Mangalore - A Mistaken Identity and Mistaken Action - Dr V S Acharya
Exclusive Interview by Florine Roche
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore

Mangalore, Sep 17: Being the Home Minister of Karnataka Dr V S Acharya
has been facing the heat that comes with the coveted Chair of Home
Ministry, the second most important portfolio in the government.

In the last 100 days of BJP rule it is the home ministry which has
come under the scanner and scrutiny beginning with Padma  Priya case
that jolted the new government in the very first month.

The recent attacks on the Christian places of worship have further
compounded the matter and the fact that he hails from undivided South
Kanara District has certainly put him in a tight spot.

In an exclusive interview with FLORINE ROCHE of  Dr
Acharya tries to assuage the fears of the Christian Community and
speaks about other related issues.

Q. Ever since you assumed office as Home Minister you have been facing
many challenges .

A. It is most unfortunate that what happened last Sunday is not only
least expected but also shocking.  The root cause is the illegal
conversion and publication of material by New Life, which was
obnoxious and hurtful to Hindu sentiments.  Instead of protesting
against New Life, the mob has attacked the Christian places of
worship.  It was wrong on their part to do so.

Q. Are you saying that attack on the Monastery at Falnir was a
mistaken identity to and justify the attack?

A. It was indeed a mistaken identity and mistaken action too and I am
not justifying their actions.  The attackers should not have gone to
attack the places of worship.  They should have given a complaint to
appropriate authorities on these illegal conversions and hateful

Q. But your government failed to respond in time which actually made
Christians view your intentions with suspicion?

A. I do agree whatever happened on Sunday and the next day was equally
bad.  We were actually rushing to prevent any further damage.  But the
irate mob had started attacking the policemen resulting in law and
order problem.  Though I wanted to rush on Sunday itself, I could not
come in the helicopter due to bad weather.  But soon after coming here
we ensured that things have greatly improved.  People were convinced
that the government was serious in punishing those who took law in
their own hands.

Q. It is for the first time the peace loving Christians have taken to
streets to protest against last Sunday's incident?

A. It was natural for them to be enraged because of the desecration of
the statue and attacks on places of worship when Sunday prayers were
going on.  But instead of going on a rampage they also should have
exercised some restraint.  Reaction to the action was also extreme.

Q. There has been a deluge of political leaders who are visiting
Mangalore after the attack on places of worship and the subsequent

A. Some people have taken advantage of this situation to bring some
political pressure.

Q. How is the situation as on today?  There are accusations that your
government was lackadaisical in tackling the situation in Mangalore?

A. It is wrong to say that government has not done anything.  On the
contrary despite it being an emotive issue, we have succeeded in
bringing the situation under control.  In today's meetings with the
Bishop, priests and Christian leaders both in Mangalore and Udupi,
some priests have acknowledged this fact and I am satisfied to some

Q. What is the outcome of today's meeting?

R. Catholics have promised us that they will ensure that a similar
situation will not occur again.  Our assurance to them has been that
everybody will be dealt with equanimity.  We will make sure   that
whoever takes low in their hands, will be punished and Chief Minister
has instructed the authorities to take suitable action against such

Q. Christians harbor a grouse that your government failed to condemn
the attacks on the places of worship  ..

A. We have categorically said from the very beginning and the Chief
Minster has openly condemned these attacks without any reservations.
At the same time the government has to see the root cause of the
problem also.  I agree initially we did not react because we wanted to
come here and assess the situation personally. We are extremely sorry
we could not come in time to avert the unfortunate incident of Monday.

Q. Does this not reflect the failure of the intelligence since the
attack last Sunday was carried out simultaneously and required

A. An accident cannot be predicted and similarly such meetings are
done clandestinely and cannot be equated as intelligence failure.

Q. The opposition is demanding a probe by sitting high court judge but
your government has ruled it out. Why?

A. Judicial probe is ruled out because fortunately there has been no
casualty or loss of life.  The whole fracas was due to some people
taking law in their hands and there has been over reaction which
vitiated the problem further.  The Cabinet will meet tomorrow to take
stock of the situation.  A Principal Secretary of the government will
look into the problem and we will get assistance from other stream of
the police i. e the Higher ups to probe the matter.

Q. What is your assurance to the people of this region who are pained
and disappointed by repeated communal disturbances in this district?

A. We will not spare any one who violates law.  For so many years in
Mangalore people of all communities have been living peacefully and we
want nothing but peace.

Q. Is it a co-incidence that the attack occurred on the last day of
the BJP's National  convention being held in Bangalore

A. I think we cannot deduce anything else from it other than terming
it as a co-incidence. But now I am happy that the matter is resolved
within 2-3 days.  I am sorry that such an incident has happened during
our government, which was nonetheless shocking for us.  I condemn it


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