Dear Friends,

I am forwarding a letter from or Ex Defence Minister and Ex Railway
minister, a Samata Party Leader Mangalorean Origin MP George
Fernandes. This letter has been addressed to the Yediyurappa the Chief
Minister of Karnataka. May be this letter is one of the means that
made Karnataka Chief minster to bring back the tense situation to
normal with the peace process.

I have continuously given updates of the Attacking Christians by
fundamentalists in Mangalore, Orissa and other parts. You will get
these postings at

If you are interested in receiving continuous latest updates of
Mangalorean Catholic Konkani Peoples interest then you may just send a
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asked in a questionare just to authenticate you as a Konkani Speaking
Catholic. I will respect your privacy with utmost care.

For the attacks in Mangalore you may also refer our Mangalorean websites namely
Also the group

Atleast now my friend Laluram Salvi should know that Christians are
always peace loving and law abiding people wherever they may be. Their
religion do not allow them have anybody get forcibily converted. The
services they render to the society is not with the expectaion that
people should be get converted. They believe in the rewards getting in
heaven. Almost all allegation made against them (atleast in India) are
forged, engineered and brainwashed ideas. Now do not bring the
insidences of past centuries. Of course in the past centuries church
has made losts of mistakes. But now situation is completely changed.
Present Church respects every persons Nation, Language and Culture.
Also church gives special encouragement for that. All our religious
activities are in our own mother toungue. In Goa it is Konkani
Language. This is not even happening with your fellow brothers who do
not perform their religious activities in their mother tongues. In
that sense Catholic Church has more respect to ones language and
culture than some of other religions. My conciousness tells me that
something that is happened in Mangalore has also happened in Orissa
too. But since Mangaloreans were educated and got recorded all things
they could expose the real culprit which is not possible to the poor
dalit christians of Orissa.

Dev Borem Korum,
Ancy Paladka / Salu Soz (Konkani Poet)
Moderator of MangaloreanCatholics group.

Mangalore Attack: Letter from George Fernandes to Karnataka Chief Minister

George Fernandes
Member of Parliment (Lok Sabha)

3, Krishna Menon Marg
New Delhi - 110011
Phone: 23017172 / 6035

No. 722/MP/2008

15th Sep 2008

Dear Mr. Yediyurappa Ji,

I have kept myself informed of the atrocities taking place from 14 th
September 08 against the Catholic-Christian community in my home town
of Mangalore and in the surrounding region.

I know the community very well and can vouch for their love for peace
and harmony with those of other religious persuasions among whom they

I have reliably learnt that it is the senseless vandalism by
miscreants on the morning of Sunday 14th of the Monastery of Perpetual
Adoration at Milagres - Hampankatta belonging to the Little Sisters of
St. Clare, (a congregation of religious Sisters whose avocation is
only of prayer), and the desecration of the Holy Blessed Sacrament
kept at the Chapel in the said monastery, was the immediate and grave
provocation that led to the spontaneous reaction by the
Catholic-Christians over there. For them the Holy Blessed Sacrament is
the Holy of Holies. The reaction under the circumstances was without
premeditation. One could have hardly anticipated anything else in such
a charged atmosphere.

Even if the vandals had indeed any grouse with tangible proof, they
should not have taken the law in their hands to provoke such a
reaction from the people of the Mangalorean-Catholic-Christian
community of peace loving and law abiding citizens.

Besides the above named monastery, more than a dozen of churches and
other places of worship have been simultaneously and systematically
attacked and damaged, which only points to preplanning by forces which
are hell-bent on creating religious disharmony between communities.
This does not augur well for the people of the region and for the
state of Karnataka.

I also learn that a number of those who spontaneously reacted to the
sudden and grave provocation are under arrest and the police are out
to deal with them extremely harshly. Instead of arresting miscreants
who have vandalized the places of worship of the Catholic, or indeed,
any community, the police are chasing and taking into custody
indiscriminately the youth and elders belonging to the Catholic
community who where only trying to protect their Holy places. This
will be nothing but adding insult to injury and the victims of police
brutalities are not likely to easily forget such situations.

We should remember that lawlessness takes place when the state does
not protect what is precious to its citizens. We should provide
security to all religious institutions and not allow any individual or
groups to vent their anger through destructive means. I request you to
please use your authority not only to direct the release of those who
have been taken into custody by the police, but also take urgent steps
to bring together both communities in a spirit of harmony and

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,


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