Rishikesh wrote:
>>>> Kindly let readers know your qualifications and credentials - if  
>>>> you are professionally qualified. 

> Really sorry about, I should have posted a disclaimer. I am not having  
> any professional credentials re stock markets but I am a investor for  
> about 3 years now.

There is nothing to be sorry about. Those with 'professional credentials' 
trading in the stock market do not have any more insight to the vulgarities
of the market than those who have not sat for the exams. That is 
why we now have thousands recently unemployed brokers. I few days ago 
they thought they has secure jobs at the major US brokerage houses.

This morning, The United Socialist States of America, formerly known as 
the USA, came up with new regulations that bans the selling of stocks of
800 financial companies! 

Last week, the USSA nationalized insurance companies. 

The concept of lowering taxes, printing more money and borrowing  
to spend abroad, has a price. Those with money in the markets
are now paying that price. The only govt that has printed more
money than the current USSA adm has been the "Weimar Republic."

BTW, you are right about gold. The liquidity the USSA has been forced to inject
into its markets will have only one long term result. INFLATION.
On an "Question Everything Moment" a local paper today pointed out 
that when Manchester United plays Newcastle in the English Premier 
League, the match will essentially be USSA tax payers verses
UK taxpayers. Manchester United is sponsored by the USSA govt owned
AIG and Newcastle is sponsored by Northern Rock now owned by 
the UK Govt.

Can you think or a more excellent way to waste taxpayers money?

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