Why fundamentalis do not get them involved in service Activities ?
By Ancy Paladka

Readers please note that when the miscreants attacked various churches
mostly belonging to Catholics and there was a peaceful spontaneous
protest. But the police acted as the agents of the Government and
compelled the protesters to turn violent. The Bajrang Dal chief openly
admitted the responsibility of the attacks. Chief Minister, State BJP
president, Home minister everyone came and they condemned the violent
protest. They also condemned the forced conversion. Chief Minister
kept on saying that there can not be enquiry on the attacks. He also
said that he has initiated enquiry on foreign funds. Second time he
said that he is initiating enquiry on Forced conversion. By giving
these statements it appeared as if it is an state sponsored attack.
They also said that the protesters will be punished and will not be
released. They never spoke against the attackers. But the intelligent
Mangalorean Catholics exposed all the evil deeds of the government. So
the central planned to use article 355. Hearing about this with all
the embarrassment the chief minister bent down and said he will
initiate the CoD enquiry. But the people said they don't want that as
it again monitor by the state govt. So again he was made to bent down
and now he says he is ordering enquiry under the chairmanship of
retired jurdge. Also he said that he will arrest Bajarang Dal Convenor
and the culprits who attacked. Also the BJP chief Sadananda Gowda who
was always blaming that there are lots of force conversion today says
the conversions (Remember not Forced Conversions) taking in Negligible
size. Tomorrow I am sure he will be bound to say that no conversions
taking place at all. Because in a present day situation there can not
have any kind of forced conversion. If anyone wants to get converted
by his own will there is nothing wrong as per the constitution. Also
the constitution gives full right to every religion to practice and
profess their religion. Catholics and other christian denominations
are working for the poor, Dalit and Tribal people only with the view
of upliftment. Today Christians who are just 2% in our country manage
more than 30% of old age homes, leprocy homes, Orphanages, street
children, left out childrens homes, unwanted and mentally retarded
childrens homes, psychiatric patiants homes and they try to give them
a dignified life. They give them education so that they will get the
knowledge to choose what is right and what is wrong. So that the
people themselves can fight for their rights. They themselves may
manage their needs. Though the entire Hindu community is a peaceful
and helping community that blends beautifully with all religious
people in their neighborhood these very little negligible number of
fundamentalist group claim to be  representing the whole mass. If so
why cant they get involved in to such educational, service and health
activities to their own community. For them funds generation is so
easy because as they say the represent 90% people. They also have lots
of their people abroad who also contribute generously to them. They
how is it possible for Christians who represent only 2% to manage more
than 30% of various service institutions by collecting funds from just
2% of tier people ?
Also readers please note that Catholics and protestants have always
condemned the acts of small sect of people who themselves are separate
entity. They target anybody they get including Catholics Even these
people can not perform any forced conversions. Also they are
negligible in number.
Also Christianity came to India 2000 years ago. All the Europe,
America, Australia continentals are all christian countries. But even
though Christianity came to India much before it spread to these
European, American Countries Christians are still 2% only in India. If
there was actually a forced conversion then the entire nation should
have been a christian country because British, Portuguese have ruled
us for hundreds of years. This is a very good sign that Christians
blend very well with their Hindu Brethren and respect their culture,
language and religion as they respect their own.

Please find the News item below:

M'lore: Conversions Taking Place at Negligible Size - D V Sadanand Gowda
Daijiworld Media Network - Mangalore (SP)

Mangalore, Sep 19: Speaking over phone from Manipal, where his son
Karthik Gowda, an engineering student, is being treated after being
critically injured in a road accident recently, BJP state unit
president D V Sadanand Gowda admitted that the unexpected attacks in
the city and elsewhere have embarrassed the government and provided
the opponents of the BJP with issues to attack the government. This
should never have happened, he opined.

The government would have earned the confidence of the people
concerned, if it had taken immediate steps to control the situation
affectively, after the incidents. The prompt action by the government
would have enabled the government to assertively repulse the
criticisms of its detractors, he added.

Gowda said that he does not condone the actions of either the New Life
or the Bajrangdal in this case. The Bajrangdal should not have
violated law. If at all it had found something wrong, it should have
brought the evidence to the notice of the authorities concerned.
Aggressiveness cannot solve problems, Gowda asserted.

Destructive behaviour on the part of anyone including the government
cannot be justified. If at all conversion is taking place, it is of a
negligible size, he opined. Attacking the Catholic churches was
utterly wrong. People who are involved with illegal activities should
be handed over to the police. Attacks on centres of prayer cannot be
justified at any cost, BJP state president stressed.

Gowda also opined that the attack on the Adoration Monastery in
Mangalore most likely, is a case of mistaken identity as the
perpetrators of vandalism perhaps, were not conversant with various
groups within the Catholics. Other political parties, particularly the
Congress, have tried to reap political benefits out of Orissa
situation. Now too, the statements made by the Congress leaders were
unwarranted, he felt.

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