Dear Joe,

Great Show!

We do not need lingusits to teach us a few words in Konkani. The MOST important thing today is to SPEAK Konkani as often as possible with as many as possible. If the language is spoken by less and less people than more research will not help to keep it alive.

Those who want to learn more about Konkani would do well to buy and read a copy of "Konkani course in Roman Script" or "Konkani Course in Devangri script", both from Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr, Porvorim,[available at St. Paul's Bookshop, Varsha Book Stall and Broadway Bookshop, Panaji and some other outlets] or Learning Konkani [with audio CD ] by Edward D'Lima [available at Singbal Bookshop, near Church, Panaji]. I have posted some of the vocabulary from the TSKK book with permission of Dr. MAthew Almeida SJ, its author.

Mog asundi.


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