"The Indian Christian Community of Canada and their supporters came out in
large numbers to show solidarity with their Christian brethren in India."

A section of the news item posted by Nigel,

Mario asks:
"Would you please ask the Canadian Indian Christians if, while they are
rightfully showing their solidarity with embattled Christians in India, they
could PLEASE reserve some of their sympathy and support?for their fellow
Indians who are not Christians but?who?have been?under random?attack by
Islamic terrorists on an almost regular basis since Independence? I'm sure
there are some Christians among their victims as well."

My comments:

Sympathy is limitless and is extended to each and every sad event, be it
affects one personally, individually or socially.  We are traditionally,
peace loving, 'baila dancing (after a couple of drinks),God fearing people
who have lived among Hindus in perfect harmony for the past several hundred
years in the Kanara region.  in fact the same Hindus have sheltered us
during the Tipu rule and we have respect for each other, speak their native
and state language in addition to our mother tongue.

The problem arose because a christian sub sect (if i may call it so) with
the backing and financial aid from some western countries, have been very
active evangelists, roping in even our catholic brethren to their church.
They have been printing and distributing falsely propagated literature quite
contrary to Hindu belief, that has hurt the sentiments of Hindus.  But
instead of proceeding legally against that sect, the Hindu outfits attacked
Catholic places of worship (some say out of ignorance) and the people.  Sad
part was even the police instead of containing the violence, attacked the
peaceful demonstrators, including women and nuns.  This has hurt us and
despite being away from India, we expressed our solidarity, as it was a
direct attack on our community, places of worship and institutions etc.

As far as rest of the demonstrations, if they take place and if it is
convenient to attend, we too take part, as we are persons of Indian origin.
Should u come to know of any such event taking place in the future, please
give us a 'heads up' and we will be glad to take part as we do not
differentiate between religion, caste or creed.

The term 'terrorist' is a vague but convenient term, like for Americans,
even the child they shoot is 'al-qaida'.  There is also a term called
'separatists' who also resort to violence. I really do not like to escalate
this issue, Mario, do not pour oil on the fire, because the incidents that
took place, really have hurt us.  I trust
u know what I mean.

P.S. Try sending messages in 'plain text' format, the issue of "?" marks may
go away or check with the webmaster.

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