Further to the very pertinent concern raised on this matter by Tony de
Sa, and my comment on the matter, I am happy to advise of an update.

Good wishes


Drug maker plans to disclose payments to doctors

By KEVIN FREKING, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - In an industry first, Eli Lilly and Co. says it will
begin disclosing how much money it paid to individual doctors
nationally for advice, speeches and other services.

The drug company's move comes as members of Congress push a disclosure
bill in an effort to prevent such payments from improperly influencing
medical decisions.

Beginning next year, Eli Lilly will disclose payments of more than
$500 to doctors for their roles as advisers and for speaking at
educational seminars. In later years, the company will expand the
types of payments disclosed to include such things as travel,
entertainment and gifts.

full story at


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