Dear Valmiki
Carmo Rod was a Uncle of mine on my meternal side, so is my Favourite and
Uncle Juuny Rodrigues based in kuwait
Thank you for the greta article,
God Bless

On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Valmiki Faleiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> By Valmiki Faleiro
> Alfred Rose must be the most prolific of Konknni 'cantarists' (singers.) He
> wrote/sang so
> many songs that he lost count of them. No chronicler can fix the number of
> 'cantaram' he
> penned. He set most of them to music himself, sang a few hundred, solo or
> in duet with wife
> Rita, or others. Most, however, were sung by other artistes.
> Alfred did a wide variety of songs, from serious to satirical, melodic to
> mournful. Like
> Alexinho de Candolim before him, many of his songs carried a strong social
> message,
> even if at times he sounded like a Sunday 'sermao.'
> Some despised the nasal in his otherwise versatile soprano voice. And, even
> though
> original most of the time, Alfred sometimes borrowed popular western tunes.
> But, as one
> of his greatest fans and my friend Filipe Dias of Madel-Margao says,
> "Alfred's music was
> customer oriented. When fans requested him to set songs to particular
> western tunes,
> Alfred obliged."
> Like music generated by the Konknni stage, it's not possible to discuss
> Cantaram save
> in passing. My personal choice always was songs that spun on humour. Names
> like
> Anthony Tuloo ("Lion of Cantarists"), Francis de Monso, 'Big Shot', Pascoal
> ("Master")
> Fernandes, Robin Vaz and Hermenzildo Francisco Camilo (H. Britton) will
> long be
> remembered for their melody-comedy.
> In this genre, singers like Kid Boxer and Minguel Rod were incomparable.
> Minguel's
> witty 'nightmare' still resounds:
> "Angan tem asa nhoim re edem mottem bobor / Kai bore pole tache mou-mou
> robor /
> Ratchem sopnant ieun korta tem mhaka zobor / Mat apunn khuim rauta ti
> sangonam re
> khobor.
> "Poir rati tannem sopnant ghott dhorlo maka / Ekar-ek beij diunk laglem
> paka-paka / Tea
> vogtar saiba kainch anink mhaka naka / Zago zaun tor polloi zalear mazor
> lenvta mhaka.
> "Kal rati ani ek pautt jiu khoxen mhozo bhorlo / Oklecho pai soirik gheun
> amgher so
> pavon sorlo / Oitana khoxen mhunno babu apunn chol'lo / Zago zaun tor
> polloi zalear
> nakar bhonvta zorlo.
> "Ekech muttin zorleache dant hanvem moddle / Zago zaun tor polloi paichea
> oklache
> arxe foddle / Pain kalukant chor mhunn maecher borech oddle / Maein chobko
> marun
> paichea khoddeache kens thoddle.
> "Kestaum hem kabar zatoch auchit jhem mhaka poddli / Oklechi mae ieun nhoim
> re soirik
> mhoji moddli / Te tiddkin dhorun tika hanvem *charains* korun oddly / Zago
> zaun tor
> polloi novich kamboll pinzun soddli."
> In the general female genre, amongst the shiniest stars: Lorna (Sorg Tujea
> Dolleanim,
> Sorga Rajeant, Sopon, Noxibac Roddta – all fused in Chris Perry's music
> magic, and
> trumpet, as in Piso and Bebdo), and Rita Rose (Bottateanchi Bhaji, Ankvar
> Ravtelim,
> Kalliz Ostorechem, and in duet with hubby Alfred, Osoch Fottoitai, Tum
> Mojem Sukh and
> Anvdde Tuje Sompoi – from 'Boglant.')
> Let's move to another genre of Goan songsters.
> At a time when Goa's independent identity was under grave threat, in the
> run up to the
> Jan-1967 Opinion Poll, several gifted Goans used their pen, voice and music
> to save the
> day for their homeland. Men like Dr. Manoharrai Sardessai, Adv. Uday
> Bhembre and
> Shankar Bhandari worked hard, through their song, to stem the tide of
> public opinion that
> was almost sure to have forever obliterated the idea of a distinct Goa.
> Songs like "Goenchea Mojea Goenkaranno" and "Goenkar zaiat zage" sung by
> 'Goyem
> Shahir' Ulhas Buyao and "Don Pana" by Assolna-born vocalist Carmo Rod,
> still echo. In
> easier times, men like Bhembre wrote songs like "Chann'neache Rati" (sung
> by Buyao),
> while Buyao himself produced quality songs, the most hilarious of which, to
> my mind, is
> "Gagar kiteak foddta re?" rendered, with equal finesse, by Varsha
> Usgaonkar.
> "Dorya Deger" by Santosh and Mamta Prabhugaonkar, with pleasing vocal
> skills,
> delivered a powerful message on inter-caste marriages. These are included
> in Buyao's
> album, "Roop Tujem Laita Pixem."
> Mangalore also produced a rich harvest of cantaram. Helen D'Cruz and Henry
> D'Souza
> created radio history with "Ye, ye, Katrina" (1971), one among many in
> their repertoire.
> Then there were Jerome de Souza, Lourdes Collaco, Agnes D'Souza, among
> others.
> Wilfy Remimbus and Eric Ozario were giants on Mangalore's music matrix.
> In this penultimate piece, some more 'firsts' in Goan music…
> The first recorded Konknni song (on a vinyl gramophone record) was by Joao
> Agostinho,
> the Pai Tiatrist's "Mog mirmiriancho" (HMV, 1910), sung by him with his
> daughter Sofia.
> The first recorded Konknni audio cassette was by Alfred Rose. The first
> Konknni audio
> CD was by Remo Fernandes. To Remo also goes the credit of re-doing old
> classics like
> 'Rajan & Prema' and 'Kustoba Rane.' The (unofficial) title of "Nightingale
> of Goa" was
> bestowed by a Portuguese governor on yodeler Dioguinho D'Mello – who died,
> sadly,
> both blind and a beggar. (To conclude.)
> Pics courtesy: Fausto da Costa and Gaspar Almeida/Goa-World
> ( (ENDS.)
> The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:
> ==============================================================================
> The above article appeared in the September 28, 2008 edition of the Herald,
> Goa

Ayres deSouza

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