Msny of us have had our posts rejected but that does not mean that the 
moderators are doing a bad job. Maybe they have erred now and then but I do not 
see an uniform pattern in their job. Perhaps, the non-uniformity is one of the 
problem. So, for the problem to be addressed in the best possible way I will go 
with Merwyn's suggestion that at least two moderators okay a post that a 
moderator may feel is "inappropiate."
We know for a fact that Herman does not do any moderation because of his tight 
schedule with studies. I suggest that Herman steps aside and his place is taken 
over by another volunteer. Herman does not have the "divine" right of being a 
moderator just because he founded Goanet. The mailing list is sustained by all 
of us. Even before he wasn't so busy with his studies, Herman would make his 
rare presence on Goanet. If I remember correctly he spoke recently to 
congratulate the organisers of the 2008 Goan Convention. I appeal to Herman's 
good sense to vacate his post and let someone willing to do the job take over
Once the moderators agree that at least two of them would either okay or 
rejected a post they deem "inappropiate" at first reading, it would then be 
unnecessary for anyone of them to sign the post. It would be a collective 
decision. A reason could be given or the poster could be told in a private 
email to modify the post or, if need be, to tone it down. I had the experience 
of being told to do so and I have obliged.
During the convention controversy, I had questioned Bosco's role as he was both 
a part of the organisers and also a moderator. I had then suggested that he 
does not moderator the posts related to the convention. We latter learnt that 
he had sent a note to other moderators to hold convention-related posts for him 
to go over it. I had then said that Bosco was clearly in a "conflict of 
interest" situation. Since that issue has now passed and I now look at things 
from a different angle, I see that the moderators have, by and large, done a 
commendable job.
As some netters have noted, moderating a forum is no easy task. Personally I do 
not have the patience, the time and the inclination to take on such an enormous 
task. To those who have volunteered their time and have patiently borne the 
weight and now face criticism from many of us (though I have done very rarely), 
I would advise them to carry on. No matter if Cecil's remark was 
tonque-in-cheek or otherwise, the issue has now come into the open.
Some of my posts on GoaJourno, which Fred moderates, has never appeared and I 
have asked him why. Once or twice he said he did not get them. Rest of the time 
I have not bothered to ask him. One recent post was on Miguel's remark that 
Flaviano Dias, the journalist of the Goa's freedom struggle VCD, had a 
"Catholic-sounding" name. I questioned what is wrong with having such a name 
though Flaviano is a Communist, and that should Flaviano change his birth name 
to a name that clearly identifies as a Communist. I also said that Pio da Gama 
Pinto, the Kenyan martyr, was a Communist and similarly some well-known names 
in Goa in the past.
On the other hand, we have read that Fred does not do much of moderation on 
GoaNet, though I can see he handles the Goanet Reader pieces. As some have said 
that they would prefer more "transprency" on GoaNet, I think the level of 
"transperency" is quite good for now. However, I am surprised that, as Cornel 
has alleged, that many of his posts have been rejected. I find Cornel's posts 
quite sedate and not in the same class as those from Jose Colaco. I agree with 
Fred that the level of discussion of Goenchim Xapottam belongs to the gutter, 
and for some like JC to call me "gutter-jihernalist" seems surprising. No 
wonder that Cornel and JC have been going at each other with rapier-fire 
thrusts. Nicknaming persons has been JC's trait. 
JC's language is also of the gutter, something that Fr. Ivo has also observed. 
I am sure that JC will hit out at him again, though I wish he does not bring 
back the issue of the Goan convention, especially his allegation that I 
indulged in "personal attacks." I will not be tempted to raise this spectre 
In sum up, Goanet is fairly stable. If Merwyn's suggestion of at least two 
members agreeing to a "controversial" post (though before Merwyn wrote I was 
thinking to write that the moderators get a consensus from four of them, 
leaving Herman out) then it should be aceptable to many of us.
Think it over, dear moderators.

Eugene Correia

  • ... Eugene Correia
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... Mario Goveia

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