Heart to Heart
By Ethel Da Costa

When you `will' so will it be `done'

"Who exactly do you want to be?
What kind of person do you want to be?
What are your personal ideals?
Whom do you admire?
What are their special traits that you would make your own?
It's time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become, so you can refer to this as your self-definition."

It seems to me that my readers are a wise lot, going by the letters and calls I receive sharing insights of their lives and their personal journeys getting there. It makes my day, if not confirming my heart's in the right place. Because I finally discovered the truth of all existence and mine in `The Secret' (Rhonda Byrne) which has since been changing my life like a miracle. Each day an affirmation of the great life I am destined to live, because I will it so, with the Universe projecting your desires for action. Passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen and bought for vast sums of money, this centuries old Secret has been understood by some of the most prominent people in history - Plato, Galileo, Beethoven, Edison, Carnegie,Einstein - along with other inventors, theologians, scientists and great thinkers. The true revelation of how you can have, be or do anything you will with a complete purity of heart. And in that, a great self discovery of the magnificence that is YOU, and how you can manifest the things that you want in your life through the power of attraction. Ask. Believe. Receive. I have since understood that to love from the heart and give freely, unconditionally, manifests graces back into your life a thousand fold, and for this affirmation thank you Linda, Michael and Greg for making my special day recently, so very special.

Likewise, isn't it only natural that we care for the special people in our lives too? Beginning with our children and how we must work to shape their lives with as much positivity, honesty and grounding as human beings? Beginning in our homes, taken forward in our schools by teachers and those who set the destinies of our education systems. That's why this heart to heart with Babush today in the fervent hope that he can put right many wrongs and give the future of Goa a foundation they can be proud of. You can always hope for the best, by giving it a chance to manifest. So, here goes:

My dear Babush,

There are much festivities and alarm bells ringing around the place, but there are knawing questions creeping up my brain when the dead of night falls on the city and the ageless Mandovi silently heaves her way to the sea. We have met on several occasions and exchanged views. Views pertaining to Goa, apprehensions on the course of our politics, and finally, the future of our State and her people.

I agree you are a product of the times, and I'm told your heart is as big as your purse. Yes, I agree circumstances mould our actions, and makes us what we are. But it is deep concern that compels me to write to you, because I hope when you have a moment to contemplate as twilight shadows the sun, you understand the `why's of your power moves. But most importantly, I hope you understand where these concerns come from.

The people will go to the booth soon. And with that your candidates. Some faces I have never seen before, especially when Goa groans with malaise of human avarice, each swearing gold at the end of the rainbow. Many promises dot their tongues. But it is only the heart that can understand the grievances of this State and the people who care for her and work tirelessly for her upkeep. The common man does not harbour political ambitions. Yes, but of course we understand you do. I'm told the only way to change the system is to `become the system,' by infusing it with good intentions, focused action and purposeful direction, with the hope that good wins eventually. By God, I hope these are your ideals too. Especially now that you hold the education portfolio, which can make or break the future of this new generation. Are you equipped to make the right decisions which focus on the `quality' of education and not `quantity'? This I would like to see.

Corruption has become a way of life in Goa. You have understood it well. You have fought your own political battles using tools of the 21st century - tooth for a tooth, money for money. Every politician has a game plan. I know you have yours too. But in your ardent need for absolute power, please do not sell our children's future for a song. Let your workers know that politics calls for selfless service. It appeals to realize a higher self, for a goal towards a State's self-sufficiency. It requires exemplary examples to lead the younger generation into new territory of actualization. It is this plea for the next generation (since you and I would want to see our grand children working towards protecting whatever little is left of our land) that I write to you. Because you are intelligent to understand where it comes from. That there are no motives, but only concerns to safeguard Goa from the sharks of corruption, with land disappearing fast like grains of sand slipping from an open palm.

Every generation looks forward to a coming of a role model, self styled gurus who are new wine in old bottles. We are no longer fooled by clever words and marketing hype. Instead, let's work together towards building a Goa that will become the true role model of the country. By taking charge of our garbage, water, power distribution, public utility facilities, by providing better infrastructure, education opportunities and medical services for the populace, where discipline and respect for the laws of the land become a way of life. Let's teach our children that with great power comes greater responsibility. Here's hoping you are truly capable of putting service before self.

With Goa's concern at heart,



The Ethel Da Costa weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the September 28, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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