Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:00:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Herman Carneiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We endeavor to provide an explanation for every message we reject and we
save a copy of the rejected post for a period of time.  Those of you who
state that your messages are being rejected without an explanation are
habitual violators of Goanet's Rules and the moderators have afforded you
more than you fair share of explanations, which you have chosen to ignore.
Mario responds:
I'm not sure what you are talking about or who is telling you this stuff, 
Herman, but your assertion above is simply false.  Besides, even if your 
assertion was true, which it is not, that is no excuse for replacing an 
explanation and replacing it with the demeaning, disrespectful and meaningless 
adjective, "Inappropriate".
Who the hell does such a moderator think he or she is to treat a poster like 
Herman wrote:
If a message is rejected, please follow the instructions in the rejection
message and repost your message.  Alternatively, if you have any concerns
please bring them to the attention of the Goanet Admin team.
Mario responds:
If there were instructions or explanations in the rejection notice, we would be 
able to do so, but there are none, with rare exceptions.  That is precisely why 
some of us have been asking for explanations.
Besides, in all my years on Goanet, no one I have written to at Goanet 
Administration or [EMAIL PROTECTED] has ever replied to my questions.

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