Miguel Braganza wrote:

The original thread of this discussion about MODERATION on Goanet is
"[Goanet] Open letter to Goanet and other Goan related websites"

The golden rules of Goanet state that no one should change the subject line.

Herman is not a REGULAR poster and hence cannot be a "habitual
offender" to deserve a "Rejection" notice. He has, however, broken
one of the golden rules in changing the above subject line to
"[Goanet] Goanet Moderation".

1. Herman has changed the subject line ...
2. Bosco has continued with the new subject line

RESPONSE: Arre mhojea ixtta...shanneponn bond kor and borem bashem uloi......boshto fugar zainakai. There is nothing that cannot be discussed in a civil manner. We are on the same team afterall.

Neither Herman nor Bosco broke any Goanet Rules. Even you participated in this thread. Now you raise a phony claim. Our responses took off from Mervyn Lobo's message that initiated this thread. The first message can be found here:


On another note, Goanet Rules do not BAN changing subject lines. On the contrary Goanet Rules have indicated how to change subject lines if the need arise. Please refer to the 'subject line' section in Goanet Rules at:


Please curtail this aimless arguing. It is wasting your time, my time and a lot of bandwidth that serves no purpose. Thank you.

- Bosco
Goanet Admin

    • ... J. Colaco < jc>
  • ... Eugene Correia
    • ... J. Colaco < jc>
  • ... Gilbert Lawrence
  • ... Dom Martin <dommartin9juno.com>
  • ... Gilbert Lawrence
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
  • ... Miguel Braganza
    • ... J. Colaco < jc>
  • ... Bosco - Goanet Volunteer
  • ... Miguel Braganza

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