On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Fr. Ivo C da Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ***I do not understand the logic of Dr.Santosh.

This inability to understand is understandable given the evident lack
of clarity about what constitutes genuine science, scientific facts
and scientific explanations.  Here are some new contradictory
statements in this continuing saga of confusion regarding science and
the supernatural:

"I do not need the scientific statement given by Dr.Santosh. All of us
know that scientifically it is not possible ("actual conversion of
inanimate matter to human tissue")."
.........Fr. Ivo

"I would rather challenge Dr.Santosh to examine at Lanciano and
explain the miraculous phenomenon."
.........Fr. Ivo

"There is no argument against the facts. These facts have been
accepted by scientists like Dr. Eduardo Linoli."
.........Fr. Ivo

"Mere denial of  facts does not provide a scientific explanation for
the phenomena."
.........Fr. Ivo

The growing collection of muddles like these archived in this forum
illustrates the fact that books and websites on theology and the
supernatural do not provide any genuine knowledge about science,
irrespective of whether they are written by somebody with a science
background or not.



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