Conversion business
By Khushwant Singh

Recent incidents of violence and vandalism against Christians and
their churches deserve to be condemned unreservedly. They have
blackened the fair face of Mother India and ruined the reputation of
Hindus being the most religiously tolerant people in the world. At the
same time, we must take a closer look at people who convert from one
faith to another. To start with, let it be understood that these days
there are no forced conversions anywhere in the world. India is no
exception. Those who assert that the poor, innocent and ignorant of
India are being forced to accept Christianity are blatant liars. A
few, very few educated and well-to-do men and women convert to another
faith when they do not find solace in the faith of their ancestors.
Examples are to be found in America and Europe of men and women of
substance turning from Judaism and Christianity to Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islam and Sikhism.

There are also men and women who convert to the faith of those they
wish to marry. We have plenty of cases of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and
Sikh inter-marriages. However, the largest number of converts come
from communities discriminated against. The outstanding example was
that of Dalit leader Bhimrao Ambedkar who led his Mahar community to
embrace Buddhism because they were discriminated against by upper
caste Hindus. This is also true of over 90 per cent of Indian Muslims
whose ancestors being lower caste embraced Islam which gave them equal
status. That gives lie to the often-repeated slander that Islam made
converts by the sword.

An equally large number of people converted out of gratitude. They
were neglected, ignorant and poor. When strangers came to look after
them, opened schools and hospitals for them, taught them, healed them
and helped them to stand on their own feet to hold their heads high,
they felt grateful towards their benefactors. Most of them were
Christian missionaries who worked in remote villages and brought hope
to the lives of people who were deprived of hope.

To this day, Christian missionaries run the best schools, colleges and
hospitals in our country. They are inexpensive and free of corruption.
They get converts because of the sense of gratitude they generate. Can
this be called forcible conversion? Why don't the great champions of
Hinduism look within their hearts and find out why so many are
disenchanted by their pretensions of piety? Let them first set their
own houses in order, purge the caste system out of Hindu society and
welcome with open arms all those who wish to join them. No one will
then convert from Hinduism to another religion.

The Great Indian Chew

Niccolao Manucci of Venice came to India as a boy of 14 in 1655, and
spent the rest of his life in the country. After living in Delhi, Agra
and Goa, practising as a self-taught doctor, he returned to
Pondicherry where he died in 1717. His Storia di Mogor has a lot of
salacious gossip about the goings-on in the harems of Mughal kings.

On his first journey from Surat to Agra and Delhi, Manucci was much
intrigued by Indians' favourite indulgence. He wrote: "Among other
things, I was much surprised to see that almost everybody was spitting
something red as blood. I imagined it must be due to some complaint of
the country, or that their teeth had become broken. I asked an English
lady what was the matter, and whether it was the practice in this
country for the inhabitants to have their teeth extracted.

When she understood my question, she answered that it was not any
disease, but a certain aromatic leaf called in the language of the
country — paan, or in Portuguese, betel. She ordered some leaves to be
brought, ate some herself and gave me some to eat. Having taken them,
my head swam to such an extent that I feared I was dying.

It caused me to fall down; I lost my colour, and endured agonies; but
she poured into my mouth a little salt, and brought me to my senses.
The lady assured me that everyone who ate it for the first time felt
the same effects.

"Betel or paan, is a leaf similar to the ivy-leaf, but the betel leaf
is longer. It is very medicinal, and eaten by everybody in India. They
chew it along with arrecas which physicians call Avelans Indicas, and
a little katha, which is the dried juice of a certain plant that grows
in India.

Smearing the betel leaf with little of katha, they chew them together
which makes their lips scarlet and gives a pleasant scent. It happens
with the eaters of betel, as to those accustomed to take tobacco, that
they are unable to refrain from taking it many times a day. Thus the
women of India, whose principal business it is to tell stories and eat
betel, are unable to remain many minutes without it in their mouths.

It is an exceedingly common practice in India to offer betel leaf by
way of politeness, chiefly among the great men, who when anyone pays
them a visit offer betel at the time of leaving as a mark of goodwill,
and of the estimation in which they hold the person who is visiting
them. It would be great piece of rudeness to refuse it. (From Beyond
and Three Sons — edited by M.H. Fisher — Random House)

Forwarded By Ancy S. D'Souza, Paladka

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