Dr. U. G. Barad wrote:

Of late increasing blasts and waves of violence are rocking city after city
in India. After every blast or violence one or other outfits / mastermind is
named as suspect. Thereafter that case(s) is transferred from the Police to
the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) and then from the ATS to the Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI). And finally 'Operation Cover-up' takes place only
with a covert view not to punish the culprit(s). This raises the obvious
question: does continuance of intimidation indicate that our apex
investigation agencies or judiciary are not discharging their functional
duties as is required? There might be "n" numbers of reasons for initiating
'Operation Cover-up' as there might be equal numbers of reasons for
terrorism activities flaring up. 

1. As an aside, I suspect this write up has been ghost written as the post does 
not carry the trade mark bad English, atrocious spellings and lack of clarity 
of the subject. However, if Dr Barad is indeed the author of this post, then 
kudos to him for the marked improvement over the previous posts. I hope he will 
maintain these standards.
2. If one has been following news reports in the media, and I mean the 
mainstream media, it would be amply clear that our police have little or no 
clue to what is happening. After every incident, under public pressure,they 
immediately jump into action and effect a number of arrests stating that they 
have nabbed the masterminds and broken the module. Until the next incident 
takes place, by which time public memory being short, the story is again 
3. Under police torture, confessions are obtained. But since the actual 
culprits are at large, there is no stopping further incidents.
4. Bomb blasts and terrorism is not the monopoly of only Islamic terrorists. 
There are terrorists in the extreme right too who have so far not been 
investigated with the same seriousness and enthusiasm. There have been 
incidents in Kanpur, Nanded, Navi Mumbai and other places where the SS which is 
affiliated to the HJS( headquartered in Goa!!!) have been found to have a hand. 
Incidents in muslim dominated Malegaon and Hyderabad where muslims have been 
the main victims suggest deeper investigations are needed.  
Dr Barad wrote:
In a pluralistic society like ours,national identity cannot be adjudged by any 
litmus test ... This nation does not belong to any single race." This 
expression is absolutely true and in line with the Constitution of India. But 
the biggest question is: Is his government practicing what he is preaching? On 
the contrary, his government is seen pampering "minorities" and yet not willing 
to finalize "minority" related 103rd Amendment - a perfect double role strategy 
which smells dubiousness. 
The sangh parivar loves using the words 'pampering minorities' and 'minority 
appeasement' and as examples they point out to the Haj subsidy or declaring 
Prophet Mohammed's birthday as a public holiday. However, they gloss over the 
tax exemption given to HUF's or subsidies given by various state government for 
religious pilgrimages. eg: subsidy given by Gujarat govt to Hindu pilgrims 
going to Mansarovar.They ignore the facilities govts give in places like 
Amarnath, Shirdi, and other religious places. Further only dalits from Hindu, 
Buddhist and Sikh religions are extended state benefits. Dalits who embrace 
Islam or Christianity are immediately deprived of any benefit. So much for 
pampering!!! If one reads the Sachar Committee Report it would be amply clear 
who is being pampered. Muslims lag behind on every development parameter except 
on their numbers filling state prisons. In Gujarat POTA has been used against 
muslims but not a single hindu was arrested under POTA inspite of the genocide 
committed against muslims. 

Dr Barad wrote:
At this point, it's time to recall and read the ruling / the judgment which
was passed by Allahabad High Court.  The Allahabad High Court had held that
Muslims with 18.5 per cent of Uttar Pradesh's population in 2001 - were not
a religious minority in the state. The judgment also pronounced that state
government should treat members of the Muslim community as equal to those
belonging to the non-minority communities without discrimination in
accordance with the law. 
Comment: Dr Barad fails to mention that the order was stayed by the SC and that 
strictures were passed by the SC against the offending Judge for exceeding his 
brief and giving vent to his personal prejudices.

Dr Barad wrote:
In short, if the bill (103rd Amendment) has to see the light of the day it
has to be amended to give definitions of minorities in line with apexes
courts landmark judgments and also abolish the existing national minorities
pari passu. Such amendment once in place will obviate any confusion on the
question of minorities. 
Comment: It has been the objective and dream of the sangh parivar to reduce 
minorities in India to the status of second class citizens.( refer: We or our 
Nationhood Defined by MS Golwalkar, RSS chief). In pursuance of this objective, 
the BJP has been trying relentlessly to do away or water down minority rights 
under Article 25 and 30 guaranteed by the constitution. Incidentally these are 
basic rights guaranteed by the constitution and not any 'appeasements' as the 
sangh parivar is wont to believe or propagate.
The whole purpose behind breaking down the concept of minority is to make the 
whole concept confusing and redundant and in one stroke remove whatever 
protection minorities enjoy under the constitution. By breaking the concept of 
'minority' from nationwise to statewise and then districtwise is to sow 
confusion as then every community would then be considered as a 
majority/minority and would pave the way for removing Article 30. An ingenious 
method indeed!!!.



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