Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 22:22:29 +0000 (GMT)
(4 years ago)

Number of postings per member (decending order):                
Mario asks:
What's your point, other than there were even fewer women back then, and the 
usual suspects ruled the roost?
2004 was before Goanet started getting the benefit of my perspicacity, wit and 
wisdom as the only TRUE and never humble messenger of peace, truth and love:-)) 
 Furthermore, in those ancient times, the Goan cyber-world had not discovered 
the prolific Selma either:-))
Look how the quality and diversity of the debate on Goanet has improved - to 
the point that it is driving Herman and Bosco nuts trying to keep everyone in 
check and imposing their selective, autocratic will, especially on the 3 - 4 
posters he keeps referring to, which excludes Santosh whom they seem afraid 

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