Thanks Merwyn Lobo for your response,
Kilima njaro  means shining mountain which is situated close to the border
between Tanzania and Kenya.  It is snow capped  though it is quite close to
the equator. It is highest mountain in Africa , 19340 feet above the sea
level.  When I saw it for the first time in 1960 from Moshi town  I was in a
state of shock and awe  for there it was  a huge block of ice  hanging high
up in the skies in all its majestic splendour. It is a sight that cannot be
erased from my memory
Here is another version.  Mount Kilimanjaro  till the second half of the
nineteen century was part of the  British Kenya colony  Sometime during this
period  coronation of Kaiser ( emperor )  Frederick III  of Germany took
place.  Apparently Queen Victoria  asked her courtiers  to bring a map of
Kenya and drew a line around Mount Kilimanjaro and presented this area
to Kaiser Frederick III  as a coronation gift.. The reason :::Frederick III
was married to Queen Victoria' s eldest daughter called Princess Royal
Victoria.  Thus Mount Kilimanjaro  became part of the German colony of
Another E.African sight  during colonial days  that is deeply etched in my
memory is Dar es Salaam's narrow entrance to the harbour. It was simply
fascinating  to watch huge mauve coloured Union Castle passenger liners sail
in and out of the entrance which on one of its side was a public beach.


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