This is with reference to the article 'What made Hindus angry in Karnataka 'by 
François Gautier posted by Dr Anil Desai. I may offer the foll comments:
Francois Gautier is a self confessed hindutva sympathizer. Hence, the write up 
is as expected - devoid of facts, evidence, proofs. Full of rhetoric. Low on 
credibility. High on propaganda. Stuff that excites lumpen elements and diehard 
Let me point out some of his absurdities:
1. He writes "But when furious Hindus, tired of being made fun of, of
witnessing their brothers and sisters converted by financials traps, of
seeing a 84-year-old swami and his Mataji brutally murdered, of reading
blasphemy about their Gods, vent their anger against churches, many of them
makeshifts, the Indian government goes after the soft target which the
Hindus are."
Comment:If the matter was not serious, this would be laughable. First of all 
Maoists have taken responsibility for the crime. Secondly, who has given 
authority to the VHP /BD to take law into their hands and indulge in violence 
of the scale unheard of. And he calls such elements 'soft targets'. Is it worth 
for anyone to respond at all to such articles? 
2. He writes:' But what really angered local Hindus was when Newlife went one 
step further and published a book in Kannada — Satya Darshini — which was 
widely distributed by its missionaries. Here below is the translation of some 
of the most abusive passages: "Urvashi — the daughter of Lord Vishnu — is a 
a. New life has disowned the book and has gone on record that it was not 
published by them
b. It is not beyond the dirty tricks dept of VHP / BD to publish such 
literature with a view to forment trouble.
c. even for arguments sake, say the book was published by Newlife, there exists 
a law of the land. Complaints could have been filed with the police.Can anyone 
in this country feeling aggrieved take law into their own hands and determine 
who is innocent and who is guilty? Isn't this a form of terrorism? And why were 
catholic churches attacked including the convent of the cloistered nuns?
3.He writes:'in the Tamil Nadu coastal belt from Chennai to Kanyakumari, there 
must be now 10 per cent Christians posttsunami and the same may be true in 
other parts of south India.
He needs to support his arguments with official data and facts. Otherwise his 
arguments carry no weight. Even otherwise, conversion is not illegal. If he has 
any complaints about force or fraud being used in conversions has he brought 
this to the notice of the authorities?

Finally I would like to ask Dr Anil Desai since he posted this article-
1. does he agree with the views expressed by Francois Gautier?
2. Does he approve of the violence that took place in Orissa, Karnataka and 
other places?
3. does his ideology permit the use of violence?
4. would he approve and support similar incidents were they to happen in Goa?



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