1. Anju munnum tum sorgintso
        Uzvarh zala noketrantso
        Amtso mogu ekttaim kortso
        Cazrats=92 sacramentu geutso
2. Guttu sangylol=92 muzo tuka
        Respondero kely=92m nam maka
        Ea kallzach=92 muja suka
        Tum sanddun mak=92 vosnaka
3. Tuzo mogu munnum maka
        Soglea sonsra=92 porgottola
        Tuj=92 vinnym=92 konnom nam re maka
        Sonsram=92 foxal kortol=92 maka
4. Dolleanch=92 mauli munnum muji
        Dimby=92 gal=92n abrasaro keli
        Gonnim porim ubun geli
        Dukant galnum atmo-kurhi

                Nuzo=2C nuzo re mujan
                Tuje vinnem sonsar tanddum=92 nuzo

1. As you are an angel of heaven=2C a glow of stars has dawned. Let us unit=
e our love=2C let us receive the marriage sacrament.
2=2C  I confessed my devotion secretly to you=2C why did you not answer me?=
 O my heart=92s happiness=2C do not abandon me.
3. Everyone knows that your love is really for me. There is no one besides =
you who can make me happy in this world.
4. You are the delight of ny eyes=2C so I knelt down and embraced you. But =
you soared away like an eagle=2C steeping my soul and body in sorrow.
        I cannot=2C oh=2C I cannot=2C face life [lit cross the world sea] 
without =
SAXTTI ELISIONS cazratso=2C sangilolo=2C kelem=2C kallizacha=2C maka=2C son=
srak=2C tuje vinnem=2C sonsrant=2C kortolo=2C dolleanchi=2C dimbi galun=2C =

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