Here is the press release by Christian Leaders in Orissa to condemn
the malicious hate compaign unleashed againest christians with false
allegations levelled against the church by Hindu fundumentalist groups

The press conference held on 9 Oct 2008 at 3pm at Swosti Hotel, Bubaneswar

Date: 9 Oct 2008
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Swosti Hotel, Bubaneswar


Christian Leaders condemn the malicious hate compaign unleashed
against Christians with false allegations levelled against the church
by Hindu Fundamentalist groups

Following the heinous killing of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati on 23rd
August 2008, a Maoist group claimed responsibility, which was denied
by Hindu Fundamentalist groups and a mallicious hate campaign
orchestrated against Christians. Christians of Kandhamal and other
places in Orissa were attacked as the pre-mediated attacks continued
village after village on the Christian homes, churches and

As the violence ws receding following appropriate law and order
enforcement, an "on-television" confession by a Maoist leader on 5th
October 2008 claiming responsibility for the killing of Swami
Saraswati further came as a relief because the hate compaign lost its
violent impact. Painfully the hate campaign reignited as the Hindu
Fundamentalist groups on 6th October 2008 produced a document in Press
Conference claiming involvement of church in the criminal activities.

To our utter astonishment, the said claim was found to be baseless as
the Betikala Church, Kandhamal which is mentioned in this document did
not conduct the alledged meeting on 25th day of May 2008. Further, the
concerned Church's leaders (President and General Secretary) after
perusing this document found the content to be entirely fabricated and
their signatures had been forged.

We strongly condemn this attitude of the Hindu fundumentalist
organisations attempting to drag Christians and the Church into this
chrime purposefully by fanning elements of hate to sustain the
campaign against Christians

signed by
Fr. Joseph Kalathil, Vicar Generalm Bubaneshwar Arch Diocese
Dr. Swarupananda Patra President Orissa Minority Forum
Fr Savari Mathu SJ, Catholic Church Bubaneshwar
Fr. Prafulla Ku Sabhapati, President, Bethikala Parish Council, Kandhamal
Mr. Bibhudatta Das, CEO, CNI, Utkal Christian Council
Mr. Prafulla Ku Nayak, General Sec, Bethikala Parishi Council

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