Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 09:38:18 +0100
From: "Gabe Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Colin Powell's parents were from Jamaica - ostensibly he has so called
'slave blood' in his genetic make up.
Mario responds:
Good point, but not good enough.  This is what happens when uninformed 
outsiders try to insert themselves into discussions about the social situation 
in the US.
I should have made it clear that those blacks with African blood, like Barack 
Obama, and those with slave blood that originated outside the US, like Colin 
Powell, have a completely different attitude and experience than those whose 
slave blood came from American slaves.  As soon as the latter finally gained 
full civil rights in the mid-60s, they were immediately deemed by American 
political liberals as incapable of helping themselves and thereby needing a 
Nanny Government to help them - the very thing that keeps most of them from 
achieving their full potential.
No other American community has been burdened by the heavy hand of Nanny 
Government as the descendants of American slaves.  Those of them who have 
removed that millstone from around their necks and joined the mainstream are 
doimg as well or better than most other Americans, other than the highest 
American achievers who trace their ancestry to Japan, India and the Philippines.

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