Bloody cheek to state: barging in on a dicussion, when the same was
said of him, he contended that this was a public forum and anyone and
everyone could participate. Seems that, what is sauce for the Goose is
not sauce for the Gander!

This is for the man, who runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.
Defender of the Whites, who puts down the Blacks. Nanny State indeed,
the blacks have not been given the opportunity....simple as that.


At one rally in the South a black network TV cameraman was racially
abused by a McCain supporter and told: 'Sit down, boy.'

Full read @

Yeah boy, sit down, or else! Indians are considered Blacks, yes, no?
Ask the former South Africans, Whites only, was in existence much
later on in S.A. was a norm for decades in the USA. My kids are
married to White middle class Americans....what was that meant to
convey? Probably their ancestors were slave traders.


Gabe Menezes.

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