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Documented by Goa Desc Resource Centre (GDRC)
Shredders to solve plastic issue
The panchayats in the jurisdiction of Canacona taluka
will soon be free of plastic waste, informed Mr Arvind
Kutkar, Block Development Officer (BDO), Canacona.
In a bid to rid their wards of plastic waste, all the seven
village panchayats of the taluka will utilise the plastic
shredding machine, like the one that has been installed
at Shristhal village panchayat recently.

Speaking to 'The Navhind Times', Mr Kutkar said that
the plastic shredder is ready for commissioning and will
be operational, most likely on October 13.

The shredding machine was purchased some six months
ago by the previous BDO, Mr Manual Baretto. Mr Kutkar
further said that the Directorate of Panchayats had sanctioned
one plastic shredding machine for each taluka in the state to
wipe out plastic menace.

All plastic waste, collected by the panchayats in Canacona,
will be transported to the plastic shredder at Shristhal, where
the contractor, approved by the department, will dispose the
waste, after it is shredded, said Mr Kutkar.

He also said that the machine is designed to handle hard plastic
including bottles, cups, besides polythene bags. Once the waste
is transported to the shredding machine the plastic will be
shredded into fine bits after which the government approved
agency will use it for different purposes. He also said that the
waste can be used to generate fuel and other energy. The
shredded plastic can also be blended with bitumen and used
to surface roads.

Mr Kutkar further disclosed that the plastic can be recycled
after shredding. He said that each village panchayat can get
a sanction of Rs 25000 towards appointment of labourers
for collection of  plastic bags and other garbage from places
within the panchayats jurisdiction.

He said that labourers and rag pickers would be paid Rs100
per day for ten days on daily wage basis. 'All the collected
waste will be handed over to the agency for disposal or
recycling,' Mr Khutkar added. The BDO also pointed out
that those panchayats that have compactors would get
Rs 50000 that would be used to supply fuel to the compactor.

Besides, a gang of four labourers would be employed by the
panchayat for collection and disposal of plastic waste and
garbage at the dumping site. Mr Kutkar further said that once
this plastic shredder is installed, then no person should be
allowed to dump garbage in the open and the panchayat shall
take strict action against such offenders under the provision of
the Goa Non-Bio-Degradable Garbage Act 1996, and the
Goa Non- Bio-Degradable Garbage Control Rule 1997.

The village panchayat shall take immediate steps to make
available the required number of bins. These bins must be of
two different colours; Green bin for bio-degradable waste,
and black non bio-degradable waste.Hospitals, dispensaries,
private clinics etc, will have a red coloured bin for bio-medical
/clinical waste, Mr Kutkar added.

As far as possible all households, hotels, housing societies etc.
must be encouraged to have their own garbage disposal systems,
however, if any of them require the assistance of the panchayats,
for disposal of their garbage, such agencies should be registered
by the panchayats and immediately be provided with a set of
colored bins, added Mr Kutkar.
The Navhind Times 13/10/08 page 5
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