To lose a daughter is tragic for a mother. The women groups would have done 
well to get together to seek justice for the bereaved mother. 
But they chose to harass her over a matter that is quite subjective though 
debatable. That gave them international limelight and the Goa Police got an 
alibi to give the mother a taste of Goa cop(s).  
Women’s groups are generally fronts for fukot publicity.  There are women 
issues crying for attention staring them in the face. But they are obviously 
not interested in this ‘behind-the-curtain’ type of social work. 
Perhaps the words of William Blake will ring a bell, “He who would do good to 
another should do it in minute particulars, general good is the plea of the 
scoundrels, hypocrites and flatterers.” 
If one takes a look at their charter of activities they will be mostly some 
competitions, planting saplings, felicitations or some cultural programmes etc. 
And these are followed by as much publicity as possible in the local dailies. 
I remember once when I was a sub some ladies walked into the NT office with a 
photograph for publication and instructions on how and where it needs to be 
carried. The photograph showed some over-fed women decked in jewellery and war 
paint distributing chocolates to the children of Bal Bhavan on Children’s Day. 
If the women’s groups have something to flaunt in terms of achievements let 
them make it public. May be there are indeed some achievements that will make 
us Goans proud. 

Tony Martin 
English Teacher, Freelance Writer and Author 
Dubai, UAE  Cell: 050-1460524

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