2008/10/13 Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mario observes:
> Gabe,
> Barging in on a discussion is never a problem.  It is barging in with
> information or comments that are bloody factless or out of context or without 
> perspective that is, however, always a problem.
> Take the bloody comments above for example.  Here we see the US on the verge 
> of possibly electing a black man as President of the USA, the country has 
> already had the last two Secretaries of State from the black community, 
> several Cabinet ministers in the last two administrations who are black, 
> several blacks in Congress, several black major city Mayors and city 
> Councilmen and women, numerous black major corporate CEOs, and yet we see a 
> comment that reads, "....the blacks have not been given the 
> opportunity....simple as that."  Apparently, not so simple.
> The suitable word for "opposite of an informed person" escapes me at the 
> moment:-))
> BTW, how many blacks have achieved such positions in Britain?

RESPONSE: You are quite slow perhaps it is cold in Ohio, need some
basking in the Sun, hmmm?

One swallow does not make a Summer, just last week it was Sarah Palin
and Bobby Jindal. My statement about running with the hare and hunting
with the hounds is correct.

Sarah Palin - that of the troopergate fiasco; check mate, Obama just
has to watch the comedy from the opposition.

Yes in your book it is simply correct to say sit down boy? you are
showing your true colours.

Where did I state that Blacks were doing better in Britain?

Now whose children are married to middle class White Americans; who
trumpted about it. I guess English, English is a bit tough (the
nuances) stick to American English.

Gabe Menezes.

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