His Grace the Archbishop Patriarch of Goa, Daman and Diu kindly accepted the invitation of the Goan Community of Oman (GCO) and visited Muscat from 8th to 10th October 2008.

Catholics in Oman were overjoyed to meet, listen to and interact with Most Rev. Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao during his pastoral visit, which focused on the theme 'The Mass - The Source and Summit of Christian Life'. His Grace spent time at Holy Spirit Catholic Church Ghala and Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Ruwi, and had extensive discussions with the priests, the Goans and the laity of other nationalities. People of all communities attended in large numbers the masses held at Ghala and Ruwi and were enthralled to hear the inspirational homilies by His Grace, so effectively delivered through anecdotes, parables and humor. His Grace's messages and blessings for the youth, the sick, the catechists and the catechism children were specially appreciated.

His Grace had detailed and personal interactions with the Goan communities based at the Ghala and Ruwi parishes. The Goans felt particularly privileged that they could spend so much time with His Grace and share with him their successes, problems and bonhomie.

At the request of Fr. Albert D'Silva, His Grace agreed to support the Church here by deputing a Catechist to train the Catechism teachers in Oman. He also agreed to consider the request of some Goans for a priest to be deputed annually for 2 weeks to conduct a retreat in Konkani, talks for youth and other religious services, possibly to coincide with the feast of St. Francis Xavier.

The Konkani mass organized by the GCO at the Ruwi Church Parish Hall at 7.15 am on 10th October was the climax of His Grace's visit. Despite the early hour, the huge hall was filled far beyond capacity with even every standing place taken. Many Goans travelled from remote interior regions in Oman to attend this Eucharistic celebration. Prior to the mass, His Grace released the Konkani prayer book cum hymnal brought out by the GCO through the special efforts of Mr. Celso Fernandes.

The GCO felicitation program for His Grace the Archbishop Patriarch included an address by the President, Mr. Flynn de Lima, followed by a splendid cultural program including specially composed and traditional songs, mando and a skit. His Grace launched the GCO website www.goansinoman.com designed by Mr. Yuri de Souza. He thereafter delivered a special message to the Goans on the need to thank God and maximize the talents He has given us, the importance of solidarity, and the need to be of service to our less fortunate brethren. His Grace lauded the efforts of the GCO in bringing together the Goans in Oman and hoped that this organization will build strong bonds amongst its members, help them to grow spiritually, promote Goan and Konkani culture and traditions, and be a means to help fellow Goans during times of need. At the end of the programme His Grace patiently blessed every individual who came forward - a kind gesture that was gratefully acknowledged.

The GCO is much obliged to the Catholic Church in Oman for facilitating the visit of His Grace the Archbishop Patriarch of Goa, Daman and Diu. It remains indebted to the Vicar Apostolic of Arabia His Lordship Bishop Paul Hinder, Fr. Raul Ramos, Fr. Albert D'Silva and Fr. John Fernandaz for the kind courtesy and facilities extended to make this visit fruitful and successful in every way.

For Photos of the Konkani Mass and GCO Cultural program on 10th October 2008 please click:


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