StyleSpeak – For GOA TODAY
By Wendell Rodricks


These bombs in Delhi.

This time though the Indian public is not brushing it away like in the
past. In Bombay, twenty minutes after the train blasts, commuters were
back on the trains. Jaipur went about business the next day.
Ahmedabadis raged and ranted but went to work nonetheless.

This time, it is different. One can feel a palpable anger which is
multi-directed. The obvious is aimed at the Islamic fundamentalists
who are increasing world hatred towards themselves. Beyond the obvious
I am angered at our police and security.


Two years ago, one of my friends, now a part-time Arpora resident,
purchased a cockpit. Yes. The real thing. Aeroplane crazy, he got it
at auction from a dismantled airline. Then set about creating a flight
simulator in a large home in Mumbai. With wrap around screens,
complete sound effects and engine roaring, it feels totally real.

One afternoon my friend received a call. It was American intelligence
inquiring about the cockpit. Can you imagine, the US intelligence is
doing such a great job of intelligence gathering not only in the US
but all over the world. They are tracking every dismantled and
discarded cockpit the world over so that 9/11 never happens again on
US soil.

To America's credit, post 9/11, there has since not been a single
blast on US soil. Why? Because their intelligence gathering is

Here in India, our police can do the same. But they do not. We may
call them fat and lazy. And bribe afflicted. In their defence, this is
not true.  There are many police officers and policemen who are doing
us great service. The Government of India must enhance their dignity
with handsome salaries, new technology and worldclass facilities. And
they should not be at the mercy of politicians who regally direct

On the flip side of good cops are corrupt ones. Top cop Julio Ribeiro
told me over breakfast two weeks ago that an MBA topper applied and
got into the IAS. Then got into the IPS to everyone's amazement. His
ambition:  Make Money!  So greedy was he that it got the better of
him. He is now behind bars.

If police intelligence gathering is a gaffe, what about we, the
people?  Colvale village went from 1800 residents in 1993 to an
alarming 6000 today. Who are these extra 4200 people? How come one of
my Karnataka staff who has no Goa ration card is on the poll list?
That migrants who do not have a legal ration card can get on a Goan
poll is a serious matter. When people like Mathany Saldanha and I talk
about an ethnocide in Goa, some journos debate it. So please tell us
who are these 4200 new Colvalkars? And since they have the majority
vote, do we allow our Goan identity to be guillotined? Some armchair
journalists and editors who live in cities have their facts up a
tunnel of crap. The alarming truth is that we do not know our
neighbours. Worse we do not care to know more. Which is why forty
persons illegally occupy the Figuereido house in Campal with no sewage
connection. The group was busted not because they crap in the Campal
rivulet, pay no taxes and indulge in nocturnal activities (which
result in condoms disgustingly floating by my shop). Since they break
the light bulbs around Fracisco Luis Gomes Garden, this is fair
criminal ground. This group of forty ruffians were part of a bike
stealing gang. So much for unknown neighbours.

My dear Goans, please do not sit like nuns in a cloister. Find out who
your new neighbours are. If suspicious, report them. Goa's name
constantly crops up on the "next bomb" list. If we are not vigilant,
the threats may become reality.

One of the follies of our present society is to be entertained. In the
name of voyeurism, thirsty on cash, fame, sex and blood, our interest
gets piqued at all of the above. Get your applause meter out for the
following :  Timblo's new yacht costs 2 million (Wow.  Really?).
Shilpa Shetty was in a sexy mini at Butter (Wow. Where's this place,
man?). Sixty people got killed on the Pernem highway (what happened?
They got burnt? Give me details to the last bloody drop). Twenty
Customs officers were caught in Khandala in a house with dancing
girls, booze and porn films (Jackpot!!!).

Seriously, why should we care if consenting adults are getting if off
in private. And booze? So what? And porn films? Who are we kidding?
Everyone has seen porn. So what's the deal?

Why were these cops going after a private party and not terrorists
instead, to keep us safe? That sadly is the state of affairs. People
at Mumbai airport skirted around a bag that was abandoned on the way
to security. When I told a Jetair baggage attendant, he ran away. When
I told the counter girl, she went to find her boss. Twenty metres away
a security guard was coolly surveying the scene. Only when I began to
shout at no-one in particular did help arrive and the bag whisked

I wonder about security and if our staff at airports, buses, trains,
etc are trained to spot suspicious behaviour. As we have learnt, these
terrorists do not look like terrorists. They are smart, savvy and
intelligent. They cannot be spotted easily. And they can lie
straightfaced. Actually, I have been forced to lie straightfaced.

"Did you pack your bags sir?" I should say "No. I packed my clothes
but the balance 3 bags were packed by my staff of ten (of various
religions and unknown intentions)". But I say "Ofcourse yes!". Do you
have any sharp instruments or guns in your baggage?  Eh? You expect a
terrorist to reply in the affirmative? I have 2 large scissors, 3
small scissors, seam rippers. All sharp!  Tools of my trade. But I
reply "No!"

The idea of this questioning is to catch people telling a lie, right?
But if your staff have not been "trained" to do so, how can they?
Ideally all personnel who deal with the public need a workshop or
short training in this field. From restaurants, hotels and airlines to
malls, cinema halls and street shops.

The last on the 'terrorist' anger list are our administrators and
politicians.  RDX is difficult to source. Yet in India it seems to be
freely floating around and passing borders, entering seashores. All
trafficking made easy by a well oiled bribe machine that goes from
Minister to humble clerk.

How can our politicians and government officials be bought over by
these people who pay/bribe them to look away when RDX is brought in?
For cash, people in power will restrain even the police from doing
their job. Have they no conscience that our land is at risk and
innocent Indians are being killed? While they make all the right
noises about minorities, terrorists, blah, blah, blah, they sleep with
the enemy and get paid for it. There is a word for the oldest
profession in the world but frankly that is an insult to women and men
who ply that trade. They are better than our politicians and officials
who knowingly put the country at risk.

The backlash of all this is sadly Goa's numero uno earner : Tourism.
With flights canceling and rumour mongering that Goa will be terror
hit over New Year, it is time for us all to take stock, make a plan
and secure safety for our state. In the process there is a lot of
cleaning up to do.  And we are not talking about the literal garbage,
which is fast becoming Goa's own terror bomb waiting to explode.

The column above appeared in the October 2008 issue of Goa Today magazine

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