By Valmiki Faleiro

Serializing a topic in a newspaper column bears a major handicap. It does not 
the writer the liberty to comment on a contemporary subject until the 
serialization is
complete. I had to wait until the ‘Goan music’ series was done – and depart 
from the
Goa/Goan thread this Sunday – to dwell on something I strongly felt about…

I’ve always been a proud Indian. Perhaps because my father, a doc in the Indian 
Medical Corps, christened me with a great Indian name. Later, and more 
when I learnt of our ancient civilization’s great traditions. I look and talk 
like an Indian
alright. Yet, I was at times asked, in India and the few times abroad, which 
country I
hailed from.

I remember this happened in New Delhi in March-1977. I was selected for an 
Writers Workshop’ organized by India International Centre, UNESCO (Asia Centre 
Book Development), Union Ministry of Education and the Authors’ Guild of India. 
In a
group of 30 – twenty Indians and ten other Asians – I was asked at cocktails 
book launches, “Which country do you hail from?”

“I am Indian, from Goa,” I’d proudly say.

I’m not sure I’d do that today. Not after Babri Masjid. Not after the religious 
pogrom in
Modi’s Gujarat of 2002, when fetuses were yanked out from expectant mothers and 
set alight. Not when tribals are chased into forests, their homes and lives 
torn asunder,
as presently in Orissa, Karnataka and elsewhere. In the name of god and against 
conversions’ (to Christianity, a faith that, since the arrival of St. Thomas 
the Apostle in
year 52 AD, still accounts for a mere 2% of India.)

I was born into a Catholic family. Even if I cannot honestly call myself 
religious. I hold no
brief for obscurant Christian sects alluring people to change faiths with money 
or other
inducements – a fact sufficiently documented by third-party observers from the 
(largely Christian) world.

I could never for a moment brook forcible conversion of a human being – whether 
faith, culture, or whatever the victim would otherwise like to follow. Informed 
Goans, in
particular, will be aware of human misery of such mindless acts. After the Pope 
the world into two spheres – Africa and Asia to Portugal and the Americas to 
Spain for
spreading Christianity, we know the results. Mercifully, five centuries have 
elapsed since
that happened, and our views would at best be academic.

Even if superfluous, the current madness in parts of India begets the question: 
target Catholics and other long-established Indian churches? Will the 
VHP/Bajrang Dal
cite a single instance of Catholic/Indian churches having forced, coerced, 
allured or
induced conversions? If at all one hand feels the itch, why scratch the other? 
elections so omnipotent that dividing one’s own home country with the politics 
of hate is
greater than the gods one pretends to protect?

The issue is not ‘forcible conversions’ (or, for that matter, forcible 
Whatever their weaknesses in the run up to August 15, 1947, our leaders gave the
nation – ravaged by the sands of time and military history – a fitting 
Constitution on Jan
26, 1950. We have laws to deal with forcible conversions. Did the VHP/Bajrang 
Dal take
recourse to these?

Unfortunately, no one seems to realise – from LK Advani down to the cretins of 
Bajrang Dal on the street – that maiming or killing one person, or tearing 
apart one
family, will produce ten terrorists of tomorrow. Few kids who’ve survived 
seeing his/her
parent or sibling being raped, killed or tossed alive into flames would forget 
– or forgive –
the perpetrators. We’re still paying the price for Ayodhya and Gujarat. Payback 
time will
come from Orissa and Karnataka much after Advani and current VHP leaders have
completed their life’s journey.

How many Hindus does the BJP/VHP fancy to represent when orchestrating such 
As vain a question as it would be to ask the sick minds that went about 
defiling isles of
peace and prayer – like the ‘Rakkondar’ shrine in Cuncolim, the Mahavir statue 
Molem, and dozens of temples, crosses and masjids in Goa.

I am against bans of any kind. Banning the Bajrang Dal is no answer. As much as
violence will not stop forcible conversions. The answer lies elsewhere. BJP/VHP 
must know it, and perhaps pretend that they do not. One of course cannot be 
sure. Of
one thing I am certain about. If asked again, “Which country do you hail from?” 
I will
probably say Costa Rica, Cabo Verde, or Caracas! A once proud Indian, I’m now 

PS: It is the same convoluted logic. Earlier this week, someone tried silencing 
activist Aires Rodrigues and the heritage conservation champion Prajal 
Sakhardande by
getting them bloodied black and blue. Where has our sanity flown? (ENDS)

The Valmiki Faleiro weekly column at:


The above article appeared in the October 19, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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