My little girl is growing up. Lately she wants to go to bed with Teddy and Mr 
Lion. She's insists that I cover them up with a blanket or they'll freeze to 
death. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and finds them uncovered, she 
lovingly puts the blanket on them. Somehow, I don't know how, children work 
this out, she knows the reality of things. In the morning, she invariably finds 
Teddy and Lion on the floor. She doesn't go to pieces, she knows they are only 
stuffed animals and that they don't have to be protected and nor will they have 
frozen to ice. Somewhere inside us, the concept of Reality, Truth and Lies is 
coded from a very young age.

Which brings me to a BBC documentary I was watching last night. A young couple 
in Delhi give birth to a girl. The girl is born with a rare and almost unheard 
of congenital defect, facial duplication. That is, she is born with two faces.

The moment she is born, the parents and the family instinctively know that this 
is a defect, a malformation, that the child will not survive. The love and care 
they display for this child would tear through the heart of any mother. There 
is one moment, when an aunt in all wisdom tells the camera crew, if a brick 
fell from a woman's womb, the mother would still love it. Despite all odds, 
this child survives the first 48 years. This being India, people start filing 
into their house. Soon the parents and family are convinced that the 
reincarnation of a Goddess has been delivered to them. And so now a lie, an 
unreality becomes the Truth.

How is it, that religion, the one wonder-drug of humanity, can make people go 
against the most fundamental coding of reality and truth, and make us embrace 
the lie? How does this work? Why does this work? 

If we are to survive in the twenty-first century, we have to find that basic 
coding which any child will display with the most astonishing clarity and 
presence of mind. For in the very end, lies always cause us pain.

(The child died at two months of heart failure).


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