--- On Sun, 10/19/08, Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The principle is: When one cannot argue the facts,
> (through ignorance or bigotry) blame the questioner ... and
> sound intelligent with a "questioning mind".  

Gilbert cannot bear the fact that I drew attention to the truth that it was a 
Hindu girl, not a nun who was burned to death in Orissa, and that someone else 
acknowledged my neutrality and skepticism in this matter. So he is struggling 
to demean me somehow - call me ignorant, bigoted or some other such thing. But 
please note that he is unable to say it confidently and coherently in plain 



> Finally when the facts are irrefutable, blame the other
> party for not being clear or logical or for not
> providing some minor detail in the information.
> It is one thing to have a "questioning mind",
> which is good.  It is another to have a 'jaundiced
> eye' with an attitude; and present oneself as an
> all-knowing person.  This applies to all of us.

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