Dear JoeGoaUK,

Thank you too for your comments.

Interesting that you should be harassing Mr. Monseratte albeit "as a
Minister or as a Education Minister"

Would you not say that it is best to allow the Law to take its own
course and the Let the chips fall where they should?
If that is so, why harass anybody? Unless the main thrust in this
activity is NOT the interests of the 14 year old BUT the creation of
political turmoil. What is the goal of this exercise? to bring down
Digu? and then have Senhor Monseratte again as Minister "in an effort
to show good faith in the katlick community"?

I understand very well that 'Ministers are no different from ordinary
citizens'. Are you suggesting that you are also, unbeknownst to us/me
also harassing ordinary citizens?  If not, why harass a "Minister"?

It is true that when I wrote to you previously, (except once) I did
not request you to unmask yourself. But then, you had never before
asked a father to reveal the hiding place of his 21 year old adult
son. It is my position that there has to be equity in life. I believe
that those who ask others to be revealed, must first reveal

Now, you may disagree - but that is how I feel.

good wishes

ps: Interesting that you should mention Churchill and Aires in the
same breath. I would do exactly the same with this new avtar of Aires
which I did not know..


2008/10/23 JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Dear J. Colaco,

Thank you for your comments.

If one carefully reads what I said, one will observe that the whole
thing was targeted at the  boy's father 'the Goa's Education Minister'

I don't think I was harassing Rohit  may be his father as a Minister
or as a Education Minister. I was also trying to say Ministers are no
different from ordinary citizens.

And because you mention Mr. Aires, I would like to mention Mr.
Churchill Why you and Churchill Alemao siding with the Minister

When you wrote to me in the past, I don't remember you ever mentioning
about the 'unmasking'

Thank you once again.

NB:  expecting no further comments from you on this, if you do then pl
don't expect from my side.  I am not into these personal sort of

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