In the over 30 years of social activism, I have had, on many occasions, to
bear the brunt of attacks, from police lathi charges at student and language
agitations to stones and eggs  during the Cuncolim anti-pollution
agitation.  But the brutal cowardly assault, the 13th October night, on
Prajal Sakhardande and myself at Panaji's popular chicken/mutton xacuti
joint Ashok behind the Head post office will be the one to remember,
hopefully for the rest of my life.

It is an irony that the attack took place just 10 days after celebrating the
anniversary of the Father of the Nation where we all vowed by Gandhigiri and
never to opt for Goondagiri.

The manner in which the attack was carried out clearly shows that what was
planned was my elimination, but for God's grace I was lucky to escape with
only the fingers dented.  The masked men may have been able to 'finger' me,
but were not able to dampen my spirits and cow me down.  The bloody attack
on me, if anything else, has emboldened my determination to continue the
struggle against all injustice, corruption and nepotism. And I will be able
to still relish the Chicken and Mutton Xacuti at Ashok's!

The execution of the brutal attack on us was at lightening speed and lasted
just about 3 minutes, but by God's grace the medical aid was also rendered
very speedily and professionally.

Over the years I had been warned by family, friends and well-wishers to be
careful as the rich and mighty could plan an attack on me.  Once in public
life, one has to be ready to face such situations bravely and put ones trust
and hope in the Almighty.  Now post attack, friends and well-wishers advise
me that I should move with security and also seek a licensed revolver.  Both
these suggestions seem unnecessary for the simple reason that death and
destiny is beyond our control and manipulation.

13th October, had it not been for the Almighty's intervention would have
been my death anniversary.  I seek no revenge against those masked men, but
only hope that the deadly weapons used in the attack to liquidate me, will
be used in future for the purpose they were made for.

Over the years I've taken up many issues as a result of which I've had to
crossed swords with many.  I would, without hesitation admit, that the
issues I've pursued, have hurt and exposed some of the rich and mighty.

Every issue I've pursued was only after an in-depth analysis and with an
open mind.  Never with any bias or personal prejudice, and of course never
with any personal interest or revenge.  In the recent case concerning the
minor German girl, I took up the case purely on its merits and not with any
intention to further implicate the Senior Monserrate.  That it came to light
in the wake of the false affidavit charges against Babush Monserrate is
purely coincidental and that he chose to use his political patronage to
scuttle the investigations, has only implicated him further.

So post the Oct 13th brutal attack, the question is, who was behind the
attack?  Taking consideration of the timing and circumstances in which the
attack was carried out, I have no doubt whatsoever, that the beleaguered
Education Minister of Goa, Mr.Babush Monserrate was the man behind it. It is
just a coincidence that Mr. Monseratte also regularly orders mutton and
chicken dishes from Ashok where on his orders I was to be on the chopping

The masked men were out for my neck but had to go back content with damaging
the fingers of my right hand. The right hand is indispensable. Only some
people are privileged to be able to use their left hand!

Politicians and people in authority, by virtue of their positions, should be
ready for both bouquets and brickbats. They should know that their lives and
(mis)deeds are under public scrutiny and are more than likely to be exposed
at some stage.

Freedom to fearlessly fight against social ills is the very hallmark of a
true democracy, but unfortunately some of those in power who ride to power
on a contrived electorate are unable to withstand such scrutiny.

I would candidly say that many of my colleagues would never dare to handle
some of the issues I've taken up.  It is for this reason that the police
have to ensure that the perpetrators of the Oct 13th attack are apprehended
quickly, as otherwise, right thinking people would not dare to fight for
just causes. Goa's alarming levels of corruption and totally chaotic
dysfunctional administration has to be cleansed and we hope that the blood
Prajal and I shed will not be in vain, but will help initiate this much
needed cleansing.

The Oct 13th assault at the Ashok restaurant will always linger in my mind,
but the miraculous way in which I managed to lock myself in the toilet of
the restaurant and which ultimately saved my life, will forever be engraved
in my memory.

I'm ever so grateful to the thousands of my fellow Goans who prayed and
showed solidarity in condemning this vicious attack on me and my friend
Prajal Sakardande by visiting us at the Campal Clinic and calling over the
phone, via sms and email.  We are also humbled by the thousands who attended
the public meetings and demonstrations organized in various parts of the
State to condemn the attack.

The Oct 13th bloody assault and the much needed forced rest that I got will
be yet another chapter in the memoirs that I plan writing at my 50th
birthday.  But as with everything in life being so uncertain, only the
Almighty knows what is in store.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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