Adverse, Perverse or Worse
Pseudo-activism and cynicism are occupying dissent space

Miguel Braganza

There is an old saying that reads, "Necessity is the mother of all inventions." What we are seeing these days is the yogic version of this adage doing the "Sir-asana" or standing on its head. The political necessity is to invent controversies around the undesirables and to eliminate them from the running, even before the race begins. In T.B. Cunha hall and nearby Azad Maidan, the caterpillars of the 'fifty percent bus concessions' were trying to break free from the cocoons in which they had pupated since the 1980s. The rest of us would do well to remember the lyrics of an old song goes thus, "It is one step from the jungle to the zoo. You better watch out or they will get you, too." That is good advice to the people of Goa today.

Let us look at the ABC and LMNOP of Goan politics. A for Alexio Sequeira, B for Babush Monseratte, C for Churchill Alemao, L for Lourenco, Alex Reginaldo and M for Mickky Pacheco. That takes care of the catholic aspirants to the throne. With B and C attacking poor Ravi Naik in the Home Ministry, the Bhandari challenge can also be eliminated. The Kharvi community has already been decimated and the finance is beyond their reach. The GAKUVED champion has already been disciplined and the lone SC Manohar is so confused between the Gram Sabha and the garam chai that the other Manohar had recommended him to drink, that he was actually trying to wean away the BJP strong man as if he was still sporting his political milk teeth!

Whether Parashuram had created Goa with his "Parashu" or battle-axe or by building the dykes or "Bandh", I am not quite sure. Some of his 'down-lines' claim that he had shot an arrow from his bow or "dhanush" and that the khazans of Bandh-halli or Benaulim is a myth created by a Kannada-speaking Churchill or Mickey Mouse. A devil's advocate apparently parked his car on the road between the seminary and the DSTE at Pilerne and looked towards the house of the former Chief Minister who, in the RSS terminology for the active oldies, is "retired but not tired." He saw a pot of gold rise at the end of the rainbow or Indra-dhanush. Mythology can be quite educative, specially Indian mythology. Frederick's village of residence is now re-christened . Oops! Shuddhikaran-ed .. Dhanushkodi. It is filled with beau and errors!

Wrote my mentor and sparring partner in Goa's journalism, Frederick Noronha, in an Op-Ed elsewhere "Is a 14-year-old's tragic struggle with adolescent crises a good enough excuse for anything?" adding for good measure, "Yet, for anyone who has the eyes to see, the manipulation that has gone into pinning down a Babush should be cause enough for worry. An unholy trinity of inconsistent activists, over-ambitious politicians and sections of a sensationalist media has come together to cash in on the woes of a 14-year-old."

Frederick rightly emphasizes the point, "Rohit's alleged actions, however despicable, would have never got highlighted the way they did, if he wasn't his father's son. Nearly two decades after the Narvekar 'molestation' scam, one can see a repeat of sex and sensationalism being used to settle scores: Scores of the political kind." It was histrionics by Prashanti then and by Prashant later on in life. If Sunita was convenient then, Aires is now. Advocacy is what they call it in CSO jargon.

"Babush and Ravi Naik have kept busy targeting each other and their rival's sons. In the meanwhile, the BJP juggernaut takes on both of them. Instead of displaying sensitivity to a tragedy that could happen to any of today's parents, sections of the media -- both print and TV-- are reporting this like a cricket match. Maybe we need to learn from experience." That, obviously, is hoping for too much!

This year I was in Tiruchirapalli during most of the masquerade. In 1989 I was writing my M. Sc. thesis in Bangalore. On both occasions I kept track of the political carnival in Goa, joyfully misreported by the journalists who behave like stenographers of the politicians. Remembers Frederick, "We all believed the charges against the Aldona MLA in 1989 It was only later that the games behind this particular case became more apparent."

"The average citizen only later discovered that then ruling and Opposition parties could waltz merrily on issues when suited them. The example of the collusion over the drafting of an unimplementable Official Language Act is a case in point." He takes the words out of my mouth! Perhaps, I would add the name of the KPA leader and the then Independent MLA of Margao who is now even revising his 'roadmap' for development of Konkani that he had presented at XCHR in October, 2005.

He is not alone. The GBA fought for and obtained the revocation of the RP 2011, for which there was no legal provision when we began the battle on 03 December, 2006. Its former Convener now talks legalese. Wrote fellow columnist Jason Fernandes in GT dated 22 Oct., 2008, "If we listen to Dr. Oscar we would have to necessarily condemn the recent actions of the mining activists in Quepem who blocked the roads to the mines that are destroying their (and Goa's) access to fresh water. People have a right to protest, but they don't have a legal right to block roads." It is another matter that Cheryl, her 85 year old mother, Dora, and her 8 year old daughter were detained by the police and at least two of them arrested on criminal charges while the "Unknown" persons who cut 130 trees in the same taluka of Sanguem to enforce a "bandh" roam scot free!

The final crunch is, however, in Dr. Oscar Rebelo's assertion on TV footage that two fingers of Adv. Aires Rodrigues had been "cut to the stump" and the apparently prudent commentary of an activist-turned- "dhirio" artist with visuals to match. A smiling Adv. Aires addressed a crowded press conference the very next morning. The night before last [22 Oct]he was allegedly at a wedding in a mine-owner's hotel at Dona Paula. So was the LoO. An Op-Ed by him this morning states thus, "I was lucky to escape with only my fingers dented" and again "The masked men were out for my neck but had to go back content with damaging the fingers of my right hand." There is no mention of the word "severing". Stumped? So am I. When the truth is known, so will be the credibility of some leading 'social activists'. Perhaps, they will get fingered! (ENDS)

Miguel Braganza's column at:

The above article appeared in the October 24, 2008 edition of Gomantak Times, Goa

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