Around the world there is a lot of talk about the major shift that we as mankind, along with planet earth are experiencing. At the present time following is the main concern, occupying much space in every ones thought:

1. Near collapse of the stock market throughout the world.
2. Heavy toll on the financial institutions throughout the world
3. Insurance sector  under tremendous pressure
4. Realty moving extreme south with buyer confidence at its lowest.
5. Pressure on families to keep up the relationships and make ends meet.

Humanity has stood at the crossroads often times during its evolution. Sometimes it appears to be extreme. Whilst the financial downfall is bring in its own challenges; any geophysical changes like the increase in the number of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes and other natural phenomena can shatter the confidence.

Why is this happening?

It is difficult to know all the answers but following perhaps explains partly the reason for the situation:

1. The fundamentals of the stock market growth do not bear out the actual valuation. Stock price increases throughout the world are a mere speculation leading to a very large number of people involved in an activity of making or losing money without the associated hard work and value addition. 2. Financial institutions in effect do not add value and are merely earning from the income generated by all other sectors. Perhaps greed for fast growth in income has come to bother this sector, with very little chance to make amends on the short term. 3. Insurance is selling a pie in the sky. It works on the principle that claims will never be made on the premiums collected or a miniscule percentage will ever make a claim. But one major natural disaster can shatter and wipe out the business. 4. The movement of prices in the realty sector, either in New York or New Delhi has no bearing on the actual costs of acquiring and developing the property. The inherent "premium" has perhaps led to its woes today. 5. Earth warming and its associated challenges can lead to natural disasters of a kind that we have never encountered in our lifetime.

What will survive in the future?

The fast moving information age has lead to every little bit of information being available "at the click of the mouse" to billions of internet users throughout the world. Today, an average person has access to the actual cost of the make of the car, or the house, which he intends to buy. In the same way, buyer is now tuned in to know the actual price of most of the items which he intends to buy. The need of the middleman is fast disappearing.

The industries that will perhaps weather the current storm and survive the future may have to rethink and realign to function effectively.

Important criteria for survival may be that the business has to be for common-good and not only good-for-self.

The price and service offered should align with the common perception of the end customer that they are getting value for money.

Which industries may no longer exist in the Future?

According to Dr Sunny Satin PhD, the author of INCREDIBLY BELIEVABLE!, following is a partial list of some of the industries or professions that may no longer exist in the future:

1.  Retail banking as we know it now
2.  Insurance industry
3.  Newspapers and paper magazines
4.  Stock markets and stock brokers
5.  Tax collectors
6.  Public relations firms
7.  Gas stations or petrol pumps
8.  Mortgage brokers
9.  Coal mining and coal-fired power plants
10. Chemical fertilizers and manufacture
11. Cable for TV  or electric distribution
12. Landline telephones

According to Albert Einstein: "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them". To move into the future with confidence - absolutely new thought will be the challenge of the time. Humanity has always proved itself and this time too, it is unlikely to fail. There are enough thinkers on earth who will guide the destiny with great aplomb and guts. Greed and Fear may never be in our vocabulary in the future!!!


Rock Furtado
New Delhi
25th October 2008

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