Voodoo Economics  (Part II - Final)
An often repeated claim by conservatives is "Lower tax rates increases tax 
revenues".  On the face of it, one cannot refute the actual numbers.  This 
occurred in the Kennedy administration. So conservatives keep repeating this 
mantra.  This has been repeated on this site more often than many would care to 
read. So what is wrong with this?  Answer - PLENTY.  If only lower tax rates 
increases tax revenues by stimulating the economy, that would be great!
However Republican administrations and conservatives, using this cliche, have 
been pulling the wool over our eyes.  So why is it wrong when Republican 
administration use this economic philosophy? 
Answer: The Government resorts to reducing taxes and relies on "Borrow and 
Spend".  As stated in the prior post on this thread, President Reagan, used the 
Supply Side economics and believed in the Laffer Curve. He had a 40 percent 
increase in defense spending and the Federal debt in his eight years tripled 
going from 700 billion-dollars to 3 trillion-dollars.  Contrary to the "Supply 
Side theory" the Reagan government revenues decreased by 1 percent.  

So what is wrong with that? Is not that better than the "Tax and Spend" 

I am no expert on economics. But recently this was explained to me.  When govt 
spends, the money goes to individuals as payment for goods and service.  The 
former transaction generates a sales tax; and the latter generates income 
tax and many other taxes (payroll, social security, etc).  The money the 
government pumps into economy creates a 'Ripple Effect' as this money 
circulates through the economy and population. This in-turn repeatedly 
generates income tax, sales tax, etc, etc.  It is estimated that the govt takes 
back in taxes about 60% of the amount the government pumps into the economy. 

As an example: When the govt does not pump money into the economy, it would get 
back nothing in taxes / revenues.  So the govt borrows 100 dollars from the 
Chinese to pump into the US economy and collects 60 dollars (as increased tax 
revenues). The problem with "Borrow and Spend"; which Republican 
administrations do (through deficits), the govt may get back sixty dollars. But 
it still owes the Chinese one hundred dollars plus interest on that borrowed 

The increased tax revenues (if any) has nothing to do with lower tax rates. It 
has all to do with increased govt spending.  And it is a disaster when that 
govt spending is "borrowed" money. So since Ronald Regan the administrations 
have cumulatively bankrupted the USA; and "WE" the otherwise "patriotic 
Americans" have transferred American wealth overseas as international debt.  
Reagan was supported and cheered for his economic policies by 
Americans-at-large by being  re-elected; winning in 49 of the fifty states.

The voodoo economics of the Federal Govt is compounded by similar economic 
principles adopted by many corporations.  The Principle: "Spend money the 
corporation does not have." And in many cases "the money the corporation did 
not borrow."  The best example was Bear Sterns which had 36 dollars in debt for 
every dollar in asset.  The "money" was a "number entered on the books."  A 
similar scenario was seen with Enron, Worldcom and many others.  The govt. 
loves what these corporations do, including the exorbitant pay scales of the 
top management.  All this "phantom money" (stock options, etc) and "creative 
financing" only generates more taxes for the govt. and grows the GDP (Gross 
Domestic Product).

The sub-prime mortgage is another version of 'Voodoo Economics on steroids'.  
Here individuals bought homes with money they do not have and cannot afford. 
They were facilitated by bank-lenders, backed by several institutions along a 
vertical chain, who lent money that, these institutions did not have. Among new 
tricks the accounting wizards use to create 'phantom money' are "Credit Default 
Swaps" and other creative financial  instruments like "Derivatives."

Borrowing money, spending and living like a rich person does not make the 
person rich. In fact this makes the individual more poor. Because now there is 
the debt as well as interest on the debt that has to be repaid. Sooner or later 
the "chickens come home to roost."

Greenspan was appointed by Reagan as Federal Reserve Chairman and served for 
eighteen and-a-half years. He stepped down in 2006. In his recent testimony to 
Congress, Greenspan  called "the Banking and Housing chaos a 'once-in-a-century 
credit tsunami' that led to a breakdown in how the free market system 
functions. And he warned that things would get worse before they get better, 
with rising unemployment and no stabilization in housing prices for many 
Sorry to paint a jaundiced picture of Voodoo Economics.  "Phantom" 
conservatives have been feeding us that "Supply Side" theory of Federal deficit 
spending is all ROSY. Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul would likely 
reply, "Nice Try."  Individuals who insists that "Borrow and Spend" is a good 
economic policy, would be better off taking a 'Chill Pill.'
Gilbert Lawrence, 

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