--- On Sun, 10/26/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am intrigued how Santosh finds articles and news items exposing >hindutva 
>activities communal. 

What I find ill-advised from the standpoint of promoting communal harmony in 
public forums are over-heated rhetoric, flame baits and sensationalistic 
comments like the following: 

"Was Selma entirely off the mark when she commented about an entire new 
generation being brought up on hate propaganda?"
.........Marshall Mendonza

"Wonder what would be the response of sangh parivar sympathisers to these 
.........Marshall Mendonza

"P.S. Statutory Warning: all apologists for the sangh parivar may treat this 
report as 'partisan propaganda' and/ or 'rumour mongering'"
.........Marshall Mendonza

I would also regard the following insinuations in the form of rhetorical 
questions to be ill-advised:

"Would he consider all exposes/news itews on violent activities communal or 
only those related to hindutva?  Would speaking of violent activities of other 
groups like SIMI, naxalites be considered nationalistic and level headed?"
.........Marshall Mendonza




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