Mario wrote: 
> > 
> I'm not sure what point you were trying to make, because
> African-Americans are far better off than Africans, and none of them are
> interested in returning to Africa.
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 07:49:38 +0530
From: "U P Kamath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Now we are defending slavery in the Goanet?
Mario responds:
You seem to be a glutton for punishment, but that's OK:-))
No, we are not defending slavery at all.  Slavery is a historical fact that was 
engaged in by the early Americans and the Brits in their Caribbean colonies as 
well as by Africans in Africa, and was abolished over a hundred years ago, so 
there is nothing left to defend.
In fact, if your general knowledge was up to date, you would know that there is 
slavery being engaged in right now, and it is not by any white people.  See,
Besides, if you read what I write more carefully, including my comment you have 
quoted above, you will not find any defense of slavery, just some facts that I 
have cited.
U.P. Kamath wrote:
How about taking on board some Afghanis and a few Iraqs as slaves to the US 
when we are at that - their decedents will be very grateful for the American 
humanitarian attitude later.
Mario responds:
The US abolished slavery over a hundred years ago.  The only slavery these days 
are in places like Africa, Asia and the Dominican Republic.  See,
If your general knowledge was up to date, you would know that the US is in the 
process of liberating 50 million Afghanis and Iraqis who were previously 
oppressed by Muslim tyrants, and helping them achieve freedom and democracy, 
the kind most of us enjoy.  Strangely, most anti-Americans and left wingers and 
even some misguided Goanetters seem to oppose freedom and democracy for these 
Muslim countries.
I wonder why.
Mario previously wrote:
During WW-II the great Democrat humanitarian, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 
was so paranoid that Japanese Americans would side with the Japanese that he 
had them forcibly interned.  He was clearly wrong
as many of them proved when fighting for the Allies during the war.
U.P. Kamath responded:
Was the democratic president American or was he restricted only to be president 
of democrats. Was he not the same one who cleared bombing of Hiroshima and 
Nagasaki. Then how do you say he was not biased against the Japanese people - 
read your own statement above.
Mario responds:
Hey, Kamath.  When I said I would help you with your ignorance and bias I did 
not realize how little you knew, or how badly you wanted to embarrass yourself 
on Goanet.  Anyway, let's start with some homework.  Using a search engine of 
your choice, please look up:
a) Who was the US President who declared war on the Japanese and Germans after 
the attack on Pearl Harbor.
b) Who was the US President who made the decision to drop the atom bombs on 
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I have already explained to you that the bombs were dropped to stop the war 
after the Japanese refused to surrender and the Allies did not want to lose the 
estimated million plus casualties it would take to capture Japan.
The Germans surrendered before the bombs were even tested.
When Germans and Japanese are both trying to kill you, you need to kill both of 
them any way you can before they kill you.  If you are stupid enough to show 
bias in favor of one the other one will kill you.
Therefore, there was no bias.  They both had to be stopped.
Samjha ki nahin?  Nahin toh aur homework millega kal.

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