This is with due respect to all ....The Bad and the Good.

I only repsond as per the original mail attached, giving the benefit of the doubt... Anybody who would respond to this will kindly have to copy I rarely read the news on Goa Net.... one may critisize me but I will shake no ear if there is any criticism favoring the Goondas of Goa.

I am sorry to hear this ....Yes I am resonsible for this as I have done enough and that enough is not enough for one person to do and let the next 1000 Goans to stay quite sleeping in their bed with their hands under their pillow and dreaming that he is a Goenkar and everything is calm and cool....

You are absolutely right....and after reading all this I still say what you have said is less. I am also an indirect victim of this and known quite a few who fought like you and were isolated by those poeple who call themselves Goans.

We Goans have to come out of our shells and show up rather than hiding behind the closed windows and looking the fun happening with his fellow neighbor in terms of situations like this. I would say a million times that you are right but its is not right what Ghandi said...

     "You must be the change you want to see in the world' - Gandhi never works and one will end like those people I know and like me...and now I know you on this net who is suffering.

All those who are Goans should read the below mail atleast 3 times and get into to practice what the message says...

I hear and ready several Goans talking about it ...its like the story of the Mice...who will bell the cat..?

The only solution to this is a peacefull revolutions by all people concerned about what is happening not to Goa but to Goans who has lost their individual security...and we say 'be Indian and buy Indian' when it is to be an Indian for Indians to buy you..... from Goa.

Set a date .........I will be there .... ... Thats the only thing that will tell the fellow Goans who is dedicated to this and who is only taking by their hat.

I almost sent a similar reply to people in Canada and England talking about Goa. ..we cannot talk from far we need to be there and we thank those who are there in Goa as because of them the little that we have there becomes our happines..

These are not Goans...these are lost Goans who has lost their identity and are being influenced by more intelliigent Corrupt Goa...and we get our names spoiled.

I wonder sometimes "The Liberation of Goa" was it done for our Liberation or for the Good Will of the Goondas?

(Giving the benifit of the the victim)

Sorr !! I am not a writer ...but this is what my heart tell me to write...writing my mind.

The end......

--- On Mon, 27/10/08, Goanet Reader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 From: Goanet Reader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Are you responsible for what happened to me? (Venita Coelho, Moira)
 Date: Monday, 27 October, 2008, 2:38 PM

Are you responsible for what happened to me?

By Venita Coelho

Yesterday I was dragged out of a Gram Sabha by the police as
if I was a criminal, taken to the Mapusa Police Station and
detained there. And I am wondering if you who are reading
this mail had anything to do with it.

First here are the facts of the incident.

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