Chennai/Mumbai October 28, 2008: Fr. Bernard Digal, one of the victims of 
Orissa carnage who was beaten up mercilessly by the Hindu fundamentalists on 
August 25, lost his battle for life and succumbed to the injuries today October 
28, 2008. 
Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar Raphael Cheenath SVD in a communiqué with said that Fr. Digal had been to Chennai to visit the Vicar 
General of the Archdiocese who had undergone a bypass surgery. While in Chennai 
Fr. Digal  again developed health complications due to the internal injuries 
that he had received, and was admitted to St. Thomas Hospital in Chennai where 
he was operated by the doctors to remove a blood clot from his brain. 
Archbishop Raphael Cheenath SVD rushed to Chennai to be at his side when he 
learnt that Fr. Digal's condition further deteriorated. Fr. Bernard who was 
kept on respirator slipped into coma as both his lungs collapsed and he passed 
away on the night of Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 9:25pm(local time). 
Archbishop Raphael Cheenath who administered the Sacrament of anointing of the 
Sick, mourning the death of Fr. Digal said that, "The Church in Orissa is 
blessed with a Martyr for the suffering and persecuted Church. May he now enjoy 
the Crown of glory from His Lord and Master, he said adding "Let us continue to 
show our solidarity and our spiritual closeness to our people in Orissa." 
According to the Archbishop, Fr. Digal's body will be flown to Archbishop's 
house in Bhuvaneshwar today October 29, 2008.  Fr. Digal was a native of Raikia 
(Khandamal district) and he had mentioned in his will that he would be laid to 
rest in his native place after his death. "If the situation permits, we will 
fulfill his wish and he will be laid to rest according to his will,"  
Archbishop told
Fr Digal was brutally beaten up on August 25 and was left in the forest half 
naked and bleeding the entire night. He was later admitted to the Holy Spirit 
Hospital in Mumbai.
"The Christians in the district of Kandhamal have a powerful intercessor in 
heaven, Fr. Bernard will now continue his work for our people from his heavenly 
home," he said. 


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