re :

re the above news item, a number of questions arise. A few are
attached herewith. These questions actually question the 'ghuspott'
which may or may not be going on. It appears (to me at least) that
there is a political motive behind all this. Time will tell.

Anyway - here are the questions to the points in the articles:

1: "Not only is the advertisement slandering the reputation of the
child, it is also contempt of court," advocate Aires Rodrigues told

jc1: It does appear to be so BUT hasn't Aires himself violated the Law
by helping identify the alleged victim? Did he not do so BEFORE the
advertisement appeared?


2: The advertisement which appeared in the Oct 28 edition of Herald, a
Goan English daily, besides identifying the girl's mother by name,

jc2: Was the name of the 'girl's mother' NOT known to the public at
large? Who is the person who publicised the name of the alleged
victim's mother in the first place? Was it not Aires?


3: Rodrigues also claimed that most of the names in the half page
advertisement were bogus.

jc3: Possible but can Aires prove his claim that "most of the names were bogus"?


4: "The advertisement also contains the name of Aditya Angle.  I have
confirmed with Aditya, who told me that he wasn't aware about the
nature of the advertisement," Rodrigues claimed.

jc4: Possible but did Aditya tell Aires that he did NOT "sign" the
advert? What has Aditya's alleged statement got to do with Aires'
claim that the signatures/names were bogus. And BTW Aires, welcome to
political double-talk. If you have not discerned that yet ... I hope
you will do so ...from now. A word to the wise is usually enough.

5: Child Right's Goa, an NGO working in the field of child rights, is
due to petition the Goa Children's Court this week, informing the
latter of the blatant violation of its directive by the newspaper.

jc 5: Is this NGO also going to complain to the court about the
violation of the Law which occured when the mother (and hence the
alleged victim) was identified by Aires?

Ai Ai Aires!

BTW: I would have expected Aires to come out swinging against the
charge of "bigamy". I am personally surprised that he did not.


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