I give below latest examples of partisan chauvinistic remarks, the likes of 
which are unlikely to promote communal harmony in this secular public forum.

"I repeat again, my old advice to you: Become Christian and immediately U will 
have been 'Enlightened'!!! Your perception of everything even 'God' will 
change, for everybody's good! Try it, I challenge you. U will then be of 
greater service to mankind rather than just the scientific field."
…..........Nascy Caldeira

"Here is a typical christian response to the violence unleashed against them. 
Love thy enemy. No hate, no hypocrisy, no intellectual airs."
......Marshall Mendonza

When the sectarian chauvinism in the above remark was questioned from a secular 
pluralistic standpoint, here is how the questioner is now demonized as a 
defender of extremist religious opponents.

"Possibly the same. However, I know what the hindutva response would be. Refer
1. Gujarat 2002
2. Orissa 2007/2008 ( Swami Lakshmananda allegedly killed by maoists, yet 
violence against christians)
3. Mangalore 2008 ( here no violence against hindus, yet violence against 
4. Goa 2008 ( no violence against hindus but some temples desecrated by unknown 
elements, yet violently enforced bandh)

Do you wish me to enumerate many more such examples for you to defend?"
..........Marshall Mendonza

These underlying tendentious attitudes should be kept in mind when one 
encounters any posts from these contributors.



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