Mapusa   Nagrikancho   Ekvott
Adv. Antonio Lobo (Convenor) - C-01, 1st. floor, Saldanha Business Towers, Feira Alta
Mapusa - Goa
Ph: (0832) 2263284

Dated: November 3, 2008


The Chief Minister of Goa,

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your attention that despite the fact that you ordered the Town and Country Planning Department that the inspection of the O.D.P. (plan) of Mapusa should be allowed to be inspected by us as per our request to you when we met you, the same has not been shown.

Please order the Authorities namely, Town and Country Planning Department and the P.D.A., North Goa to show us the plans.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,
for Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott
(Adv. Antonio J.B. Lobo)

Inward Date: 03/Nov/08
Inward Time: 1130 hrs.

Mapusa   Nagrikancho   Ekvott
Adv. Antonio Lobo (Convenor) - C-01, 1st. floor, Saldanha Business Towers, Feira Alta
Mapusa - Goa
Ph: (0832) 2263284

Dated: November 3, 2008


The Chief Town Planner,
Town & Country Planning Department,
Dempo Towers,
Patto - Panjim- Goa.


We had a meeting with the Chief Minister of Goa at the Secretariat, who, at that time assured us that your department would allow us an inspection of the revised O.D.P. of Mapusa. Such inspection has not been provided to us. Instead, we have been given copies of reports of two sub-committees which make reference to a subsequent plan (copy of the original O.D.P. is with us which differs with the reference made by the sub-committees, and hence we are aware that there is another plan as suggested by those sub-committees.

We are requesting you to indicate to us where we could have an inspection of this revised O.D.P. Please note that in case the O.D.P. should be promulgated without such an inspection by this body, which is composed of citizens of Mapusa, you shall be entirely responsible for whatever action we may be to follow subsequently.

Please try to give due importance to the citizens and the public for whose benefit (allegedly) all such plans are being prepared and kindly, for your own sake do not ignore this request. Kindly indicate the date when we can have such an inspection within seven days of receipt of this letter, failing which we will be forced to meet the Chief Minister of Goa, again to inform him that his orders are not being obeyed.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,
for Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott
(Adv. Antonio J.B. Lobo)

Inward Date: 03/Nov/08
Inward Time: 1305 hrs.

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