
I do not doubt nor disagree with you that Santosh is a fine person, a 
gentleman, a scholar and whatever other glowing adjectives you may wish to 
describe him. As a fellow goan, I too am proud of him and his achievements. 
However, he is no God or demigod like some would like us to believe. He is as 
human like us with the same weaknesses and failings as any of us. He too trips 
at times. Hence, I have to partly disagree with you based on my experiences 
with him.

If you find the word 'hypocrisy' offensive, I wonder how you would categorise 
the words 'militant political operative' and 'rumour mongerer' used by him. 
Does it enhance his standing?

However, I take your point.

I do not wish to start another thread on this subject. I would rather discus 
issues than personalities.



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