Ami taunnean poddtat.
     Halinch poddlele.
          Pottorn poddonakaim.

I often feel that on certain issues it would be prudent to give the heavies
( and there are good ones on Goanet) some time to present their findings,
but often we get too hasty.

This is a very peculiar situation, when credentials are being questioned and
it all happens very quickly. I feel that when one breaks down the component
parts it certainly appears as such. When one mentions specific aspects one
must see it in the context of whether any given person as such is a
hypocritical person. So references to citizenship, marriage of children,
though apparently not directly appearing to relate to ones take on the
Portuguese, can be relevant in pinning down motivations. Perhaps the parent
did not bless the marriage, and is estranged from his child. Now that would
be serious credentials in the eye of any manner of orthodoxy, although such
morality might find displeasure among other modern, and lead to distancing
from such points.

To view hypocrisy the angle has to focus clinically. Stepping back helps. Of
course it helps to write in a more sympathetic manner, which most writers on
Goanet have the skill and talent for. So often when we rush up in arms, and
more precisely distance ourselves -- we must really look at whether in doing
so, we are not further fragmenting ourselves and essentially being of great
moral help to those who are perhaps being ruthlessly hypocritical, and that
too with our minds, while smiling away.

For many, mentioning personal details, often appear distasteful, but it
stems from how we are placed in modernity, and how we view our individual
selves and families. Its like putting away the laundry in a place where it
is not easily viewed by outsiders or for that matter even by insiders -- of
course some have dryers now. But one gets the point, one hopes. In a few
years that too may not cause any embarassment. Why? Just last night I was
talking to my mother about a few things, including how she did her utmost to
keep us in a Goan coccoon, while Goans, the Goaness around us, moved and
shifted, metamorphosed and altered. She wished at least one of my two
siblings to have a partner from Goa but it did not happen -- it was not
possible. Mother sees it differently now and has changed. I feel she has
begun to see that reality is within her self. Now she is talking about
gettng back to tailoring at 78. As a craftsman nothing makes me happier.

Before I forget, furthermore, my not mentioning names may also be taken as

The real story is about who are the ones who have made their the beds and
have warmed the beds of colonizers. All over the world it always appears
like those who converted to the outside religion did so. This is rarely the
case, although a visual glance may suggest so.

On a lesser though relevant note, "Ever wonder why the good guy (almost
never) never gets the girl." And to begin with the girl is a good girl too.
So what really happens, and why. Because the girl was waiting to be asked,
even if she may no interest in him., and perhaps was willing to be swept
away This too is the way entire societies work -- so some see opportunity,
and also opportunities to harangue others, but their families are set, they
are happy. They are eating cheese and loni. That is a analogy of having the
best for themselves. Over the years we have read references to how happily
ones children have settled. But among them are those who will seize issues
if it gets them some mileage. Hypocrisy rules and I hate to day it
rocks, yet the ghumot is on the same stage.


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