--- On Fri, 11/7/08, Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marlon "heads" some anti-conservative contingent
> on Goanet?  Oh, really?  That may come as a shock to him,
> who was last heard from pretending to be a Libertarian:-)) 
> What a comedian, that Marlon:-))
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2008 05:52:50 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Everybody is conspiring against the conservatives, including Libertarians. 
Those who are not with them are against them.
Mario observes:
Santosh has not been able to provide any evidence of his specious claim that, 
"Those who are not with them are against them."  It's more like "Those who are 
not with them don't know why."
Santosh had previously lumped Marlon together with assorted terrorists and 
ne'er-do-wells, when he wrote:
"I think this understates the extent to which conservatives are being oppressed 
and victimized in this forum and on the talk radio. The truth is that there is 
actually a world-wide conspiracy against American conservatives hatched by 
Islamic terrorists, Ahmadinejad and Obama in collaboration with Hugo Chavez, 
Castro brothers, Chicago thugs, Palestinians, the Clintons, Levinsky, 
Farrakhan, Ayres, Wright, Rezko and their many childhood Muslim and communist 
friends.  Marlon heads the Goanet contingent."
With friends like Santosh, Marlon doesn't need enemies:-))

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