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 A few stray thoughts, and some serious ones to JoeGoaUk's post.

Ghor keddo vhollem zaum, dar titlench asta.
(The house however big it may be, the door is just so (normal).
This should not need any elaboration.

Forget length. It helps but its the line that counts, and in this juvenile's
case also animality. As my mom said to me when I got involved with Cecilia,
my partner and wife, around the time I turned 15 years of old: "You cannot
pee straight but want a girlfriend." Pretty sickening and infuriarting at
the time, but one gets the point. That was mom's manner of speaking, when
she realized that I was a gone case (as Bombay Goans would say) and was
smitten with her -- actually the simplicity that was embodied in her. Lines
have been my thing, but who can explain that, even of curves and all manners
of arcs.

Now lets get serious.
In this case, that child is hyper-sexualized, and this is not rare. I doubt
in general if this is exceedingly rare; to him it may have been a rare
opportunity, but moreso, a combination of circumstances, including being
swept into a ferocity to possess the hapless Goan maid, as the story makes
it apparent. The father was startled, to say the least and that closes the
story, without any focus on the father. Often such children, have
been raised to believe they are all that, as well as probably having access
to all kinds of sexual paraphrenalia -- essentially a rich diet of food,
visual stimuli through various media, fantasy waiting to be palyed out, as
well as direct surreptitious observation. This is a heady cocktail that
needs release, often continuously at that. In some cases their macho
fathers however inadvertently instill a vulpine rapaciousness in them.
Sexuality comprises with a host of environmental factors that are not
obvious, and would include even the way a father or even the mother view
their household help (in India too, but another story) -- how they see her
-- the nature of human dignity shown; in fact. every visual dynamic in terms
of interaction plays a role. Besides that in terms of pure physicality these
children are strong, and being consumed by an aberrant and volcanic libido
is saturnine, to say the least. The women in such cases could be very be
reserved, sometimes show fear, essentially a captive being (at least in the
beginning), and dealing with many other factors in wanting to keep the job
while yet becoming aware that something is amiss, but then its too late or
accepted. There are other stranger outcomes too.

This is a very complex areas to talk about. My partner and wife Cecilia
knows a lot about such things, and I have learnt a lot from her. I follow
notions of sexuality as closely as I do religion and conciosness, hence am
giving my two bits. It also shows up in my works.

Similar things have happened to other women, and in fact there are women who
were pursued like crazy by men while in their 20s while in the Gulf -- who
succummed and are married into places like Pakistan, etc. They do not
interact or perhaps cannot interact with their folks back home. My
Godmothers (not related to my family, but my mother chose her in egalitarian
spirit) daughter never came back to India from Kuwait. And thats only one
case. I really hope she is happy in Pakistan. My GM passed away without
seeing her.

The mind plays havoc when somehing like this happens. It is not easy to go
back to normal, and the person needs all consideration that could be offered
to her. Otherwise it erupts in some ther way - a renewed shattering of the
being, and rejection of faith in oneself and humanity.

I am not an art therapist nor a counsellor, but art and artists can bring
about some healing. I, as well as Cecilia are always open to help in our own
separate ways -- hers through counselling and faith, mine through visual

Venantius J Pinto

> From: JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] PG:  Adult raping minors and minors raping adults ?
> Now, some one please tell me, is that possible?
> I mean 13 year old minor raping an adult?
> If you ask me, I would say ? yes, it is possible, particularly  in Arab
> countries?
> How come?
> I was in my study room
> This lady from the next door just returned from Gulf (Kuwait) after 2
> years- her first ?Viaj?. She was telling all about her Kuwait experience  to
> my mother and another lady in our kitchen.  You won?t believe.. this is what
> I over heard..
> ? ? Zannai mugo,  mhoje Kuvetti maddamicho bara orsancho cheddo go,  kitem
> samgom? Tacho edo voddlo asa tiltlo mhojea ghovacho pasun nam.. ?
> ...and they all burst into laughter.
> As for me, I understood the joke many years later.

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