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Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 12:10:53 +0100
From: Bella Rebello-Hamm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
So well said!  It's one of the reasons I don't write so often on 
Goanette (sic). People start getting very personal. It is true we Indians or 
Goans are emotional people, but other people are sensitive too. We 
should respect their opinions if we want ours to be respected.
Sometimes I get this feeling, we have a peg of "Fenni" and then decide, 
OK, now I'm going to vent out my unbalanced emmotions. But this is only 
breeding ignorance!. The best results are only achieved when giving 
one's opinion without hurting anybody else's feelings.
Mario observes:
I think you may agree that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, however 
misguided others may think those are, but are not entitled to make up their own 
facts or to misrepresent facts to suit their own pre-conceived agenda.
We have many Goanetters who live in countries where they cannot express their 
opinions in public without risking trouble with totalitarian authorities, 
whereas they can on Goanet.
If you stick to logical opinions that are based on recognizeable facts, i.e. 
facts that most people would recognize as facts, you should not have any 
However, others with the same facts but with a different context or perspective 
may not see your logic in quite the same way, which is when people of good will 
must agree to disagree.  Or others may have some facts that are different from 
yours, which may lead to different conclusions.  That is what debate is all 
about.  Of course this can get contentious at times, even without being fueled 
by Feni.
Those with unbalanced emotions or personal vendettas are better left to some of 
us with thicker skins who may be better suited to deal with those.
BTW. without entering the arena more often, I'm not sure why you think that you 
will be personally attacked, especially if you have not been attacked 
personally so far.
We need more women to engage in robust debate on Goanet.  I can count only one 
who expresses herself on controversial issues at length and in some detail, and 
can then defend her opinions against any alpha male.  She has often been 
attacked personally, but can give as good as she gets if the debate gets 
contentious.  Most of the others restrict themselves to non-controversial or 
informational posts, which is perfectly fine if that's what they are 
comfortable with.

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