* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

                      Renew your wedding vows in Goa,
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            Multiple options to make your day extra special!

Most of the material in the post below appears to have been plagiarized 
verbatim from the following website:


Furthermore, having originated on this notorious partisan fringe website, the 
accuracy of most of the assertions in it is suspect.



--- On Sun, 11/16/08, Dr. U. G. Barad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Further to my views on two misused words: Secular and
> Secularism, I had
> loads of discussions with my friends and equally with my
> foes.  And the net
> conclusion that immerged out of discussion is as follows: 
> In India and particularly in Goa the opposition is not to a
> religion but to
> a calculating church which is practicing a silent invasion
> under the very
> umbrella of a Constitution. The UPA government-and in the
> end India itself,
> including GOA - is being taken for a ride. India's
> decency is being
> exploited fully and there must be laugher in various
> evangelist centers at
> India's & Goa's stupidity. 
> Conversion inevitably destroys a local culture and is
> fundamentally
> subversive in content. Conversion, especially in tribal
> areas, leads to
> demographic disturbances which in turn lead to resentment.
> Resentment leads
> to violence. We condemn violence without trying to seek the
> reason behind it
> because it does not serve the interests of our secularists.
> Francois Gautier is a French journalist, born in a
> conservative Catholic
> family but is an ardent admirer of India. To the best of my
> knowledge he is
> independent-minded and does not belong to any political
> party. Which is why
> an article he recently wrote for The New Indian Express
> (October 6) should
> command attention. He was analyzing the situation in
> Karnataka and the
> reason why there was a spurt of anger against missionaries
> in Kanara. To
> quote him: "Newlife, one important western-funded
> missionary centre
> (http:/www.newlifeforce.org) began making conversions in
> and around
> Mangalore by accosting poor people. befriending them and
> then taking them to
> churches to introduce them to the Father. Upon
> introduction, they were paid
> Rs 2, 500 per person and then taken to the Velankanni
> Shrine in Tamil Nadu,
> where they would get another Rs 3,000. When they finally
> got converted by
> changing their name, they got an incentive of Rs 10,000
> onwards. Newlife
> would then give them instructions to abandon wearing the
> tilak on forehead,
> replace photos and figures of Hindus gods and goddesses
> with a Cross" etc.
> Gautier then presented a picture or how Hindu gods were
> denigrated and how
> missionaries-there are apparently more than 4,000 foreign
> Christian
> missionaries in India-brain-washed the poor. It is a
> revealing article. 


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