Dear Fr.  Antonio,
I am extremely happy and thankful to you for bringing out  truth, hope that 
touched my heart.
By taking time to write ,  I understood that  truth & hope should not remain 
inside the Church, Temple, Mosque anymore. You showed us the way &  surely many 
more(especially the Good and the silent sufferers) will be inspired and 
encouraged not to keep silent from now on but to speak out/write so that evil 
perishes from  Goa's soils.
I am happy you broke the silence of long  that Gods disciples are indeed meant 
for proclaiming good news of Gods Love above all things and love of neighbours 
not only inside the  Church, Temples, Mosques but also where it is needed so 
that human dignity is restored and there is  evil is uprooted from Goa's soil 
so that people in Goa can live in peace & harmony, without fearing a sudden 
knock on their door anymore. Yes Father, we hear your Cry. I am sure many heard 
your cry. I only hope that all those who are also crying for long and alone 
will speak out loudly & clearly, together. 
To All Goans 
I would say to all Goans  we need to do what Fr. Antonio Rodrigues has righty 
TEACHINGS: If you don't speak out to warn the wicked to stop their evil ways, 
they will die in their sin. But I will hold you responsible for their death.
DO NOT BE AFRAID are repeated 365 times throughout in the Bible. 
 “Take courage, do not be afraid.”
 “There is no fear in love; perfect love drives out all fear."
Lets assure Fr.Antonio that CULTURE OF GOA will reappear which will make the 
world proud of  GOA and GOANS. To do this, I , We, Everyone needs to get up , 
speak out and GET RID of the EVIL, now.
Best Regards
Mario Andrew Rodrigues

Full article of Fr. Antonio Rodrigues, 
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