Dear Soter,

Hats off to you for this critique on the demand for Special Status for Goa that is now becoming a deafening whine.

The question is: How come our politicians never thought of this unique status that Goa long deserved?

We have heard the chants before from politicos saying "We will pull down Meta Strips brick by brick". And we have also seen other politicos, when bestowed the stripes of ministers in the government, forgetting their past utterances and give Meta Strips 'clean chits', meaning a highly (dioxin) polluting Industry suddenly becomes eco-friendly. What transformation ! It has been documented that in Japan, a very nice, eco-friendly looking factory using a process of high compression to reduce scrap plastics into plastic bales, boasting ample green lawns etc on its premises was the cause of a slow disaster for the neighbourhood population where even women started growing hair on their faces (hormonal changes), not to mention other ill effects like impotency in men, developing cancer causing ulcers etc. This issue was even raised in the Goa Assembly by Dr. Wilfred D'Souza, waving the 'Time Magazine' where this Japanese incident was reported. (BTW it was we at goasuraj that had made the Magazine available to the good Doctor to fortify his arguments against Meta Strips in the then ongoing gruelling debate in the Assembly).

Goans needed Special Status a long time ago. So also we needed a special IAS corps for Goa. Did anybody bother? Would things be different if there was a simple transposition between Dayanand Bandodkar and Dr. Jack De Sequeira? Did Goa miss the bus altogether in its formative years as a democratic state? Have Goans been taken for a jolly good ride, blinding us even to accept the routing of Goa's pride 'The Unique Institutions of Gaunkaries - the Comunidades???" Will Goa get its Comunidades back with this so called Special Status?

We at goasuraj believe that if we Goans give a strong enough and a qualified fight to wrench back our comunidades from the destructive hands of these puppets governments of the day, we will have attained a special status to most extent. That will mean that the illegality that the Union of India has forced on Goa, diluting Goa's land ownerships and thereby diluting Goa's comunidades, will be exposed. It must be remembered that the stupid Panchayati Raj that is forced on Goa is much too inferior to the clout that Goa's comunidades had in administration of this territory. Any progressive state will want to cling to its superior administrative jurisdictions. But No. How then the jack of all trades and con artists get to perform with pseudo importance???

Goans need to think, and think really hard before they lose the gems that have been handed out to them by their slogging peers. Things had not come easy to them. But surely things have come to us, the present generations, easy, so we can afford to squander them with contempt, much to the merriment and delight of userpers and con artists who play the fool being in the shoes of the lawmakers and rulers.


----- Original Message ----- From: "soter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2008 11:23 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Special Status Hai hai!

Special Status Hai Hai!

Attaining Special Status for Goa is definitely the need of the hour. But in an emotionally charged up atmosphere are Goans preparing themselves for yet another betrayal by politicians? Goans have witnessed betrayals time and again, be it with Konkanni, meta strips or with the promise of cleam governance.

about freezing population are made, but there is not a sound about freezing land conversions, construction and mining. Because this is where the money for Goa's dirty and corrupt politics is generated.

Seeing priests dancing on these platforms should not lead Goans to conclude that the movement is genuine. 'Codepedency' in addiction can affect anyone including priests if they are afflicted by a denial of the truth

which is a symptom of addiction that prevents recovery. Will 'Special Status' be the agenda of the BJP in the next elections and are the grounds being prepared for this? Just wait and watch.

-soter d'souza

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